Kare To Kare Read Online


Wolf's Rain

From Viz: Humans thought the wolves died off two centuries ago in this bleak post-apocalyptic wasteland. But some survivors lurk among the humans by mentally cloaking their animal bodies. One white wolf, Kiba, scours the land for the scent of the Lunar Flower that will lead them all to Paradise...But will it lead them to a deadly false legend?


Set in a mythological time and place, Ja-Dou recounts the struggles of the heirs to kingdoms of heaven and their comrades, to repel the demonic forces that sometimes make their way into heaven. Ashray is the son of the Flame Emperor, small for his age, and cursed with a fiery temper. He also has to hide the fact that he has a horn, a trait usually associated with demons. His father keeps appointing assistants to keep an eye on him, but keeping up with Ashray is hard work, and the first six have died in the line of duty. Can Alan Seoul, his newly appointed seventh assistant, last a little longer than the first six? Teiou is a prince of the eastern kingdom of air. His best friend and lover is Keika, a mazoku, or demon, in human form. Tiarandear, is the Prince of the western kingdom of water. As chief of all the gods it is his job to maintain harmony in heaven and to direct and control human history. He loves Ashray, but how long can he keep protecting Ashray from the consequences of his violent temper? And if it should become known across heaven that Ashray might be part demon? (For some reason, halfway into the 2nd volume there still is no mention of the northern prince.)

Hitodenashi No Koi

Follows the rather tempestuous relationship of two writers and touches on the lives of those they interact with. Both those that hate and/or envy them and those that love and/or like them. Not a modern story, it seems to be set at least several decades ago, before computers at least. Despite this, it doesn't have a dusty, out-of-date feel to it, more like a slow-tempo modern story. Vol.1 Hitodenashi no Koi (1999) Vol.2 Itooshii Hito (2000) Vol.3 Omoware Bito (2001) Vol.4 Hitori ni Shinai (2002) Vol.5 Aisareru Hito (2004) -officially dropped by Game Over or Continue after finishing up v2-

Kare To Kare

1-2) Kare to Kare Masaru has been avoiding his childhood home, and his little brother, for about 5 years. But when he finally returns, his little brother hasn't forgotten their past together... or forgiven him for running away from it. 3) Love in Room 501 Two childhood friends have grown apart in highschool. One's a good student who expresses himself sincerely and the other is a flippant dick-head. While the jerk exploits his feelings, the good student struggles to come to terms with the reality of their relationship. 4) I Want That Moon Two office workers go on an onsen vacation together only to become vehicles for the vengeance of a ghostly murder victim 5-6) Let's Make a Band A group of teachers form a Visual Rock band in their spare time and hire one of their students as a member. Unfortunately the band is such a neurotic mess, they can't seem to get their act together long enough to play anything.

Anna the Adventuress

Anna the Adventuress summary: Anna the Adventuress summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Anna the Adventuress. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

To the Last Man

To the Last Man summary: To the Last Man summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of To the Last Man. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Saint

The Saint summary: The Saint summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Saint. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Inside Man and Other Science Fiction Stories

Inside Man and Other Science Fiction Stories summary: Inside Man and Other Science Fiction Stories summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Inside Man and Other Science Fiction Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
































内容简介: 雇佣兵王陈扬回归都市,只为保护战友的女神妹妹。无意中得罪少林俗家弟子这个恐怖的集团。一时间风起云涌,杀机如流。 且看一代兵王如何用铁拳和智慧去征服一个个强大对手,创造 属于王者的辉煌传奇…… (大家还可以关注我的另一本书,冰山女神爱上我,绝对精彩!)1w0-1253 >>


内容简介:预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸文案下拉暴君傅臻为人暴戾恣睢,杀人成魔,从西北疆场回来后更是日日吐血,眼看着就要死了。太医看到一本古书中说,要传说中的美人血投喂才可医治。阮阮就是被送入 宫的替死鬼。入宫那晚,傅臻幽幽醒转,发现身边蹲着个小姑娘,睁着幼鹿般的眼睛怯怯瞧他。他咳出两口血,脸色苍白,眸光似刀,“怕了?”小姑娘含着泪,主动将柔弱无骨的身子贴近他,软声道,“我……我不怕,你吃吧。”陪伴暴君日久,阮阮被他娇养得愈发大胆,提议道,“陛下,今天能不能换个地方吃?不要总是咬脖子。”傅臻眯起眼睛,语气不耐“再不过来,朕的病就要被你拖死了!”他这般说着,指尖却抚过红痕斑斑的雪颈,轻咬上她双唇。暴君宿疾痊愈之后,阮阮彻底换了侍奉他的方式,屡屡被他弄哭。那晚摇红烛火之下,他看着眼前满面红晕的小姑娘,眸底涌动着疯狂的占有欲。“朕许你一个心愿,珠宝金银,无上荣宠,朕都可以答应你。”小姑娘腰肢在他大手之下轻颤,红着脸憋了一句“那我可以要一座宅子,出宫去吗?”见男人脸色阴沉,她赶忙改口:“不要宅子……银两也行。”暴君良久没言声,半晌,扯出一个笑来:“你想都别想。”阮阮“……”好抠,亏他还是一国之君,说好的什么都答应呢?!谁料男人转头便示下“她说要当朕的皇后,你们都听到了?”底下人十脸震惊,面面相觑,“是,是!”阮阮???起初,小姑娘乖乖顺顺,什么都听他的。傅臻爱看她哭,就欺负她。他想着,就这么欺负一辈子也好。只是后来他发现,他竟看不得她哭了——那眼泪落于他胸口,便似滚烫的心头血,灼得他心尖发疼,教他不知所措。傅臻想,那便宠着吧。宠她一辈子,不再让她落一滴眼泪。【双c双洁】【封面已授权,画手微博容隐呀】预收《和离后嫁给前任他爹》求宠幸女f男c,男二非亲生明国公府幺女沈芙柔桡温顺,姝色无双,只可惜口不能言。一介哑女嫁给那位玉树临风的晋王世子谢斐为妻,人人都说是国公府赚了。谢斐也觉得,他配她,绰绰有余。成婚头一个月,谢斐还装得规规矩矩,可到了第二月就开始夜不归宿。谢斐出行,身后跟着一帮纨绔,“世子爷,不用陪你家那位小哑巴么?”谢斐豪爽地往游船上撒了一把金叶子,“要不怎么说她善解人意呢!”沈芙成婚三年,谢斐就在外面浪了三年。沈芙知道,他的确喜欢她,可他是个没有真心的人,他的喜欢,便同喜欢这世间花草无异。她不能言语,心中郁郁了整整三年。*后来,那镇守边关数年、晋王府真正的主人班师回朝,沈芙于厅堂俯身向公公敬茶。面前的男人容貌俊美,矜贵威严。沈芙暗自想,这份凛然如山的气势,恐怕世间男儿皆及不上其万一。而谢危楼接过茶的那一刻,无意间碰到她纤细莹腻的一双柔荑,喉咙微不可察地滚动了下 >>




内容简介:接档预收文《揣着老公的崽找上门去》,求收藏!(晚九更新)黎言看了本书,书里与自己同名同姓的恶毒炮灰以阴险的手段怀孕,后又以肚里的孩子做威胁,进了霸总家的门,一度作威作福,后来却落了个一 尸两命的凄惨下场。一觉醒来,黎言穿书了。他睁眼的时候,正躺在床上……霸总推门而入,情势紧急,箭在弦上,不得不发……翌日清晨,黎言一瘸一拐偷偷跑路。一个月后,他突然发现自己怀孕了……怎么办?他是生,还是不生?据说霍白衍手段狠厉,性格阴晴不定,谁落到他手上都活不过明天。黎言怕得要命,打包行李连夜逃命,可连飞机场都没到,就被霍白衍亲自抓了回去。从那之后,圈里就有了一个传言,阴狠毒辣的霍总圈养了一个宠物。众人都在预测,那个宠物能不能活过一个月。而在霍家别墅里,小宠物黎言握着筷子戳自己隆起的肚皮,凶巴巴地威胁,“你放我走,不然我就撑死你的崽!”霍总将人揽到怀里,克制地亲吻,“你想走可以,把我一起带上。”后来,霍总的小宠物不仅活过了一个月,还被霍总用盛大的婚礼娶进了门。各位书友要是觉得《撩完总裁后我带球跑了穿书》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-83151 >>





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