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Kakene Nashi No Love Torihiki

Story 01) Kakene Nashi no LOVE Torihiki (A Love Transaction without Overcharging): Since Ami Kirisawa's father passed away, she's had to make it on her own. Now she's built a reputation as an enterprising young woman who will do anything for money. However, when Ruka Hakomori (of the Hakomori Financial empire) makes assumptions about how much of Ami his money can buy, Ami fearlessly proves him wrong. Ruka decides he wants her to help him get out of a marriage interview, but opposing Ruka's ruthless parents isn't going to be easy, no matter how fearless Ami is. Story 02) Kokoro Goku Ama-jitate (Very Sweetly Cut Heart): Suzuko runs into Riki-kun while shopping for Valentine Chocolate. When he learns that she doesn't have a boyfriend, he asks her to give him chocolate that day. The two become close but will Riki-kun's fanclub grows jealous and will do everything they can to separate them. Will they succeed or will love triumph? Story 03) Kyokou Shinwa ~Sekando Reipu~ (Made-up Myth ~Second Rape~): This is a serious story about the effects of rape. Wakana is a shy and unspectacular girl who has been text messaging the spectacular Taku for three months. Suddenly, Taku suggests that they meet, and when they do... he rapes her. Wakana goes to the police, only to go through 'second rape' -- the doubts of others who think she brought it on herself.

Kabu No Isaki

Living in the boonies, one must give great consideration as to how they will get around when they turn 16. Isaki has just tuned 16 and his choice of transportation is his brother's Piper Cub. It might be old, but it flies well. One day he decides to fly over the 2,000m high Ogusa mountain range to see the city his older sister is always talking about. But for some reason his plane feels too heavy and is using fuel faster than planned. Will he make to the airport or crash in the bushes. And just what was making the plane feel so heavy? Originally a oneshot, but became a regular feature to Afternoon due to its popularity

Watashi No Kidou

Aboard a spaceship there is a group of girls gathered together on top of the school's roof for the last time due to an impending meteor shower. - The end of the world is coming and a bunch of girls gather on the roof to greet their death.


Asuka swore she'd leave the night life behind when her brother's job moved them to a new city...after all, it's hard to be a cat-burglar when you live with a detective! Despite her determination to move on, her talent for thievery hasn't gone unnoticed, and it seems her secret identity is not so secret! Approached and asked to join the group of chivalrous vigilante thieves taking the underworld by storm, Asuka has no choice but to accept...but can she keep her brother off her case?

All Quiet On The Frontline

All Quiet On The Frontline summary: The sky filled with burning smoke of red blood. The city filled with what remains of metal and blood, with the Corpse of the tactical dolls. there isn’t any weaponry left or protection left.

The Christian

The Christian summary: The Christian summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Christian. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

My Yuri Harem

My Yuri Harem summary: A couple want to have a baby. Only one problem stands in their way: The individuals are both ladies.But Before sun can rise above the lives of this happy couple, an ocean of past awaits them. And to have a new beginning, one must clean the slate that is a wrecked past.Go on a journey with Madonna and Kiyomi as they tread on a journey of l.u.s.t, anger, love, and forgiveness. Will they...

Block 24

Block 24 summary: Block 24 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Block 24. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.




















简介在你不愿死去而死去的时候,把想说却未能说出的话都告诉我吧,幸会,我是魏死死。 本作目前每周三周日更新!红票,收藏,五星,分享,评论,月票,打赏,请大家多多支持!官方Q群详见漫画互动页!












内容简介:究竟什么才是镇国英雄?只有站在光里的才是吗?不!能够身陷绝境却勇于与不公的命运抗争!既不惧战场的刀山火海血腥杀戮,也不惧朝堂的阴谋诡计尔虞我诈!心系天下,救万民与水火努力改变国家的命运 ,这样的人才是镇国英雄!那么一个出生于贫穷山村的懵懂少年,究竟要经历怎样的磨难才能成为这样的英雄呢?1w0-91840 >>


内容简介:周溪和林笑成相恋两年,在新婚之夜却被他算计送到别人床上。旖旎过后,她带着愧疚回家,却撞见曾经的爱人和旁人缱绻,对她视如敝履口出恶言。她痛定思痛,决意与渣男恩断义绝,但是林笑成却对她百般 纠缠,不愿意放过她。正在她一筹莫展时,严景山强势出现,替她手撕绿茶白莲花,完爆贱人渣渣,数次解救她于危难。周溪:“为什么帮我?”严景山挑眉逼近,在她耳边轻声道:“当然是1w0-62604 >>


内容简介:向慈顾惜时小说全文免费阅读由小兵提供。《向慈顾惜时小说》重生八零肥妻的盛世婚宠著情节跌宕起伏、扣人心弦,是一本情节与文笔俱佳的热门小说,在本站您可以免费阅读向慈顾惜时小说全文内容。1w 60342-70206 >>


内容简介:顾泠沅也不知道他对程颐到底是年少慕艾,还是压制不住的嫉妒。嫉妒他肆意妄为,自由自在,更嫉妒那个能够陪在他身边的人。内心的欲`望就如荒原的野草一般疯长,既然这么痛苦,那么就想方设法得到他 好了。在程颐和顾泠沅好不容易修成正果以后,正义的吃瓜群众揭开了顾泠沅的真面目,那个看起来柔弱清秀的人私下原来是个偏执可怕的变态,而那个被变态所欺骗所控制的受害者程颐却表示:顾泠沅居然这么爱我啊,不枉本少爷对他这么好,谢谢你告诉我,望周知W攻是个真恶毒白莲花神经病,偏执的行动派。受心大蠢萌性冷淡,就好这口装逼柔弱病娇白莲花。同性婚姻合法。狗血甜宠吧зゝ∠水平有限,写出来也就那样吧1w0-85578 >>


内容简介:末世在谁都没有想象到的情况来临,阴间的鬼物涌向人间,将人间变成地狱更糟糕的是有所谓的修士降临,因为地球人拥有特殊的血脉能力,他们将所有的幸存者变成奴隶为他们去战斗奴隶是什么,奴隶就是炮 灰,就是最卑微的存在,在末世前最普通的生存,在末世后却变成最奢侈的愿望这是一个平凡的大学生因为末世变成奴隶,用从别人身上得1w0-105472 >>


内容简介:九莺莺姝容昳丽,媚色无双,是京城第一美人。陛下一道谕旨,把她嫁给了太子。太子贺怀翎,人称废太子,双腿残疾,貌如谪仙,冷如寒冰。她受人蒙骗,嫁入东宫后,把东宫搅得鸡飞狗跳,自己声名狼藉, 最后二皇子一杯鸩酒将她毒死,与她堂姐双宿双飞。重活一世,她依旧要嫁入东宫,只是这一次,她要换一种方式作天作地。后来,她最喜欢做的事,就是看仇人们一个又一个倒下,最后都跪在了她的脚下。成婚后,九莺莺冷眼看贺怀翎辛苦装瘸,直到遇上大火,贺怀翎仍坐在轮椅上不动如山。九莺莺:“别装了。”贺怀翎:“……?”上辈子在一起住了三年,深藏不露的狗男人装瘸装了三年。贺怀翎本来只想娶个挡箭牌回来,没想到却娶了一个小作精。小作精妩媚入骨,温软动人,夜夜相伴而眠。后来,他再也不想放小作精走了,只想让她一辈子在自己身边作天作地。他不知道,上辈子他这块寒冰就被小作精捂化过。1w0-4258 >>

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