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Touhou Sangetsusei ~ Eastern And Little Nature Deity

Manga takes place in Gensokyou, the setting for most of the Touhou games. Obviously Touhou games related.It's story of 3 fairies and their daily tricking to visitor of Hakurei Shrine, getting revenged, and so on.

Atashi Wa Sore Wo Gaman Dekinai

from Baka-updates: 1) Atashi wa Sore wo Gaman Dekinai A very ordinary office lady named Mahiro Yano becomes a slave to former crush's Kyoichi's passions. The married man fools around with her, exhausting her physically and mentally. Still, she can't find a way out of this love fix. 2) More Tender Than Commanded Ayumi wakes up after a car accident with no memory. Alone in the world she clings to the only person that she has- the mysterious Tsukasa. Living in his apartment, spending her days with him, she comes to care for kind professor, but when her memory returns... 3) Come to My House! Recently orphaned university student Li Sui has no place to go and moves in with her father's old friend and his three handsome sons. Becoming their housekeeper in exchange for school fees seems like a great deal, but the middle son's unexplained animosity is hard to bear. 4) Nai Nai is a nurse who's learned the hard way that romances with patients are doomed! So when mysterious patient Re Pu pursues her, she's not interested. But the mystery of his identity is intriguing, and following her curiosity gets her right where Re Pu wants her! (There's a sequel in Koisuru Heart de Taihoshite)

My Summer Memory

My Summer Memory summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of My Summer Memory. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Fuyuki's modern adaptation of Greek mythology about the love between Hades the God of the Underworld and Persephone, the daughter of Demeter. The Greek gods and goddesses now assume human forms but still retain all their vast powers. All except for high school student, Arisa who for some reason is unable to remember her past incarnation as Persephone and her life with Hades who in this present day is her classmate, Amano. But the strength of their joint destinies is so strong that even without those memories, Arisa falls in love with Amano just like Persephone with Hades hundreds of years ago. But this time, Amano is determined that he will not lose Arisa like in the tragic past. He will protect her even if it means going against every immortal being and will not yield her to Zeus who wants to unlock the secret and the mysterious power that Persephone had then and Arisa has now.

Past Promises

Past Promises summary: She was a Queen and he was a King but why he 's the only one got reincarnated while she became a ghost?King: 'They say you want the throne and I shall kill you for treason, do you have any reasons for me to spare you?'Queen: 'My dear, you are not only my husband but a King to this nation. I will not resent you, please do whatever you think is the best for this nation.'

The Other Girls

The Other Girls summary: The Other Girls summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Other Girls. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Anna Strong - Legacy

Anna Strong - Legacy summary: Anna Strong - Legacy summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Anna Strong - Legacy. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Italian First Love Diary

Italian First Love Diary summary: My and Ling Jun’s daily love, after all, it’s our first love_ (: 3 “∠) _ (a semi-autobiography) For some people, finding their love will take decades, but for her and him, they were their first loves. This is the story of her and Ling Jun’s love of seven years. Was it luck or fate? Maybe both.



碧蓝航线 Comic Anthology



类别都市 恋爱




类别恋爱 校园 萌系






类别都市 恋爱










简介一个寒冷雪夜,年幼的黒主优姬意外遇上 LEVEL E级的吸血鬼。在这个吸血鬼向优姬露出獠牙的生死时刻,另一个名叫玖兰枢的纯血种吸血鬼救了她,并将她带到黑主学园请求园长(黑主灰阎)收留。黑主学园除了一般学生就读的日间部外,还存在着夜间部。在夜间部就读的学生都是十分俊美优秀的人物。不过这里却隐藏着不为日日间部学生所知的秘密——夜间部的学生全都是高级吸血鬼。十年后,为了维持学院安宁,优姬和同被园长收留的锥生零一起担任学园的“风纪委员”,守护这个秘密。而受人尊敬的,也是优姬非常倾慕的玖兰枢,更是被称为“吸血鬼中的君主”的纯血种,是站在吸血鬼金字塔端的最高种族。如果被纯血种吸血,就会变为LEVEL D(曾经是人的吸血鬼,在经过一段时间就会变成LEVEL E)。而锥生零作为g吸血鬼猎人,却在一次家难中不幸被同样是纯血种的绯樱闲所咬。绯樱闲杀死了零的家人,带走了他的弟弟一缕,所以零非常憎恨吸血鬼(尤其是纯血种)








内容简介:微博晋江君汐若最近时空司新添了一个任务部门,组里虽然只有一个人,却是主神费尽心血亲自创造出来的精英。而这个被命名为“被攻略组”的部门的任务只有一个,那就是——扮演位面原著人物,不惜一切 代价,务必将即将脱离控制的VIP金牌攻略者留在这个世界受自带被攻略系统,扮演原著人物金牌攻略者自带各种攻略系统,根据任务攻略原著人物大概就是个攻略者准备攻略受扮演的原著人物时,却在攻略途中无法自拔地沦陷,最后任务完成甘愿留在这个世界的感人故事(?),嗯。……至于受?当然是坐等攻略者们来想方设法攻略自己啦≧▽≦结论主神在下很大一盘棋就是这么丧心病狂,依旧要写这种被攻略的无脑苏文hhho ̄▽ ̄ブ【酷爱去吃药本文将于日18时准时入V,感谢一直陪伴我走过来的你们,真的很爱泥萌~么么啾!推荐自己和基友的文《初恋逆转系统快穿》by君汐若男神总在被攻略《鲛人男神娱乐圈》by君汐若今天男神的马甲掉了吗没有《我只想做个普通人(穿书)》by梦千航但是这个世界不让。排雷指南:1本文苏白雷,人设苏苏苏,文笔小白,不适者还请绕路2“将攻略者留在这个世界”这句话就是表面意思,攻略者一般任务完成后会被强行离开,想留下只有脱离时空司变成普通人,也就是只有这一世不会再穿越了。3结局1v1,正攻由每个攻略对象被回收的一部分灵魂组成。1w0-29418 >>


内容简介:【一句话文案】古板直男大叔与穿越假萝莉间不得不说的故事。【正经版文案】现代大龄女青年江春,穿越成农女江春娘。想种田?大家庭可不是那么和睦的,村人可不是那么淳朴的!想从医?试可不是那么好 考的,病1w11280-84709 >>


内容简介:  又名《瓦罗兰一级保(划掉)第一偷男》、《行窃预兆的正确用法》、《我摸到了盖伦的鲍风大剑》……  “叮——【行窃预兆】触发成功,获得尊贵豪华限量版女式贵族长裙*1”  “等等,拉克丝 ,你的裙子真不是我偷的!”  “去死吧!驱逐所有黑暗!”1w0-2863 >>


内容简介:《从斗罗开始选择万界》李长生选择从斗罗大陆开始,降临诸天万界。星斗大森林,选择神级器武魂,上古神器轩辕剑。建立天庭,选择百万年神级魂环。圣魂村,选择神级兽武魂,太虚古龙……斗罗大陆—— 绝世唐门——古剑——诛仙——盗墓笔记超神学院——哈利波特——漫威遮天——仙剑——花千骨——聊斋——西游记——遮天——完美世界——圣墟封神榜——洪荒——混沌纪元1w53107-77299 >>


内容简介:  穿越兽世怎么破?不慌!系统在手,天下我有!  实习医师苏糖被天降系统砸中,意外穿越兽世大陆!  这是一个神奇的世界,长着翅膀的老虎,会吐火球的大鸟,妖娆多姿的食人花……一切的一切都 让苏糖目瞪狗呆!  被翼虎部落的族长捡回去后,发现部落兽人的生活简直不要太落后!一股油然而生的责任感充斥着苏糖的胸膛!  在系统的帮助下,熬盐,盖房子,挖陷阱,做武器,屯冬粮……顺便……拯救世界!  【甜宠1V1】【种田/系统/异能】1w0-3241 >>

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