Ivory Dark Read Online


Love Advice From The Great Duke Of Hell

The girl of your dreams barely knows you exist. Your friends can’t help. Your family is clueless. So where do you turn for love advice? Who can provide you with that essential assistance for the lovelorn? If you’re average everyday teenager Paul, you summon a powerful demon from deep in the recesses of Hell and frankly, hope for the best.

Baby Pink Kiss

[From ShoujoMagic]: This volume is a collection of short love stories. Story 1: Romantic Love Complex The rumors of Hitomi's sexual exploits are getting out of hand, and Hitomi's nerdy boyfriend, Gaku, of course has heard them all. With his parents' vacation house all to themselves during the holidays, he's determined to have Hitomi turn him into a real man. What he doesn't know is that Hitomi started the rumors herself because she was too afraid to admit that... (!!!) Story 2: Hold Me, Holy Knight Kana has broken up with her boyfriend just in time to make Christmas very lonely. That's when she meets Iikura, a handsome stranger who offers to be her boyfriend for the sake of the holiday. He's a little unorthodox, and shy in the one way that Kana expects a man to be aggressive. Charmed by Iikura's eccentricity, will Kana give both her body and heart to him before the holy night is over? Story 3: Totally Pure Heart It's Valentine's Day at Kurumi's school, and Kurumi made chocolate the night before with someone specific in mind. When it comes down to sink-or-swim, and Kurumi must present it or be stuck with her own hand-made chocolate heart... she sinks. Running from her embarrassment (and her persistent friends), she ends up alone in a room with Matsuura, one of the most popular boys in school who is also doing his best to evade Valentine's Day. Although he's weighed down with chocolate gifts, he's determined to steal Kurumi's pure chocolate heart... Story 4: Flower Couple The continuation of 'Totally Pure Heart.' Kurumi's friend Chisato is well-meaning when she suggests that confessing love for Matsuura or sleeping with him too often will make him grow tired of the relationship quickly. Kurumi is also well-meaning when she brings Chisato and asks Matsuura to invite a male friend for the 'camping trip for two' that Matsuura planned. Getting mixed signals from Kurumi and being scrutinized by Chisato, Matsuura is frustrated, and it's only a matter of time before someone cracks. Story 5: The Glass Shoe Doesn't Fit Mia and Ikurou have been friends since childhood, but lately Ikurou has taken an interest in the lovely Satoe. While Mia drops subtle hints that Ikurou fails to pick up, she gets to constantly hear how she's not quite as cute as Satoe. It becomes too much for Mia, and when another handsome and highly sexual student asks her to be his girlfriend, she has no good reason to refuse. When Ikurou learns of Mia's new male acquisition, the lovely Satoe suddenly seems less attractive to him, but his realization may have come too late...

Takeru - Opera Susanoh Sword Of The Devil

From Snow Kiss Scanlations: Once there was a legend of a sword. It is said that the sword of a rune god was sealed up in 'Jagara-Mogara'. When the spirits of Light, Water, and Earth come together, the seal will break, then the sword will be immortalised. That is the sword of Susanoh. Izumo, Kumaso, and Oguna, upon pursuing the sword of Susanoh, came to the nation of Jagara ruled by an Empress and her army of women. They got involved in the wars between Jagara and Amamikado, but what awaits them isn't the clash between two nations, but the darkness involved with the sword of Susanoh that everyone is seeking.

Ivory Dark

Ivory Dark summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Ivory Dark. If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady

The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady summary: The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Magical Revolution Of The Reincarnated Princess And The Genius Young Lady. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Villainess Aims For A Peaceful Life

The Villainess Aims For A Peaceful Life summary: After being reincarnated into a world of otome game as a villainess character, I fell in the routine situation of death flags+broke engagement.The prince doesn 't want me? Please, who will want a Sc.u.m Prince as a husband? I don 't. Let 's break this engagement and with my knowledge from the previous life, I will aim for a peaceful life!Cover art is not mine!

Season Of Desire: Box Set

Season Of Desire: Box Set summary: Season Of Desire: Box Set summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Season Of Desire: Box Set. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Marjorie Dean

Marjorie Dean summary: Marjorie Dean summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Marjorie Dean. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
















类别都市 恋爱


简介【《漫画会》授权】因为一场车祸,黑雨变成了孤儿,但是事故似有隐情,而他也会常常被噩梦惊醒。看似平凡的生活因为帮助被不良少年骚扰夏晴后,发生的一个意外彻底的改变了,等待他的将是怎样的世界……《漫画会》每月1号上市!更多资讯请关注漫画会微博:@漫画会 。漫画会官方QQ群等着你216676634。












堕落的新市,神秘的男人 在济河耳边留下奇怪的话 但在医院醒来的济河却对那天发生的事毫无印象... 不该存于世的薄暮给这座城市带来了毁灭性的灾难,被命运锁在一起的七个男人拿起了武器,为狩猎薄暮而战。 狩猎薄暮的时间,到了。


内容简介:就好比是切割磁感线会获得电流一样,当个体从α世界线抵达β世界线时,也会获得一些额外的东西。张栩带着他的一等奖奖金跨过了这条线。他获得了系统,一个只要花钱氪金就能变强的系统。…………新人 新书,求收藏!1w0-29796 >>






内容简介:2oxx年,秦始皇地下皇陵又一处被意外现,出土的除了淘涌外却有一架神秘飞碟和一枝高科技手枪,被埋在地下长达二千多年,国家科学院高度重视,进行秘密研究,并请来本世纪富有传奇色彩的青年龙天 羽协助,实验过程中却生奇异现象,龙天羽被神秘飞行器仿佛梦境一般带回秦朝,介于楚汉之争,徘徊群芳之间,享受另一时空的生命!(惊险、震撼、刺激、另类、情爱!)一种生命的结束,也是另一种生命的开始!网络小说公式:yy种马潮流谁都可以yy名家的经典,只要你做好被骂的准备!欢迎支持本书的朋友们加入《寻秦记续之战龙返秦》群群号1o69o19o(已满)2552o536(已满)!新群:33368994。同时推荐龙竹另外两部作品:【异世大6】《金庸高手异世大6》【同人武侠】《游龙神雕》【传统武侠】《情剑天下》作者:龙竹所写的《寻秦记续之战龙返秦》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-123292 >>


内容简介:类型:言情近代现代爱情十三年前的一场邂逅,她与他,将自己的指纹印在对方离大脑最近的地方……年幼的他们以为,那就是永久……十三年的分离,十三年的寻觅,她终是找到了他……浅白色,柔和的颜色 ,是黑夜过后天空刚刚亮起的颜色浅白色的爱,便是历经黑暗,单纯如白的爱;尽管,那黑暗的颜色已洗涤不去十三年来,她毫无保留地为他付出一份浅白色的爱十三年后,他痛失挚爱于是,一千零一夜,他每夜为她讲故事,讲浅白色的爱,只为了将她从黑暗中唤醒而他们的天空,什么时候才会亮起浅白色?1w0-100323 >>


内容简介:【正文完】xA京城人尽皆知,瑾郡王有一位指腹为婚的未婚妻。不知样貌,不知才学,不知性情,自小在边关长大,还是出身半个武将世家。xAxA京城不少人对其私下诋毁,肯定貌丑无言,不知规矩,五 大三粗。xA直到身姿窈窕、面若芙蓉般秀美的沈精羽出现在众人的视线。xAxA身家优厚,父母宠爱,出息的兄长子侄,位高权重的未婚夫,而且,她还特别的好运气!xA啊,老天不公平!简直嫉妒到让人发指!xAxAxAxA沈精羽有一个秘密,那就是她有一身能够实现愿望的“法力”,只要她在四下无人时,将她的愿望反复说出,不用多久,她的愿望就会被实现。xAxA——让大哥的官途顺畅,顺利做到官职交接吧!xA然后大哥这个被算计接手的官职,就一路有惊无险,顺利做到交接。xAxA——让欺负侄女的渣男贱女都倒大霉吧!xA然后渣男贱女翻来覆去倒大霉,侄女顺利完成退婚。xAxA——让未婚夫不许再对我说谎话呀!xA然后她就被闻胤瑾压在花丛中,狠狠地听了他一顿真心剖白。xAxA沈精羽:……法力有时尽,尴尬时有无,她习惯就好。xAxAxAxA作为未婚妻的“法力”提供者,闻胤瑾兢兢业业完成着未婚妻的一切小愿望,执着并病态地收集着她的一切讯息,一切物品,一切喜好,坚持宠着她,惯着她,将她宠成心肝上的娇娇。xAxA直到:xA——让我未婚夫明晚洞房花烛夜时睡着吧,早睡早起好养生啊。xAxA闻胤瑾:……xA他缓缓眯起眼睛:这个愿望,恕他不能接受!xAxA病娇痴情·腹黑郡王男主VS美艳聪慧·口花花强悍女主xAxA排雷:①姐弟恋,男主比女主小两个月。xA②文内法力部分,属于男主的心机与动作,并无任何玄幻情节。xAxA本文将于9月13日入V,入V当日三更xA——————xA预收文《要来求亲的侯爷失忆了》文案:xAxA宁淮一觉醒来,失去了最近两年的记忆。xAxA他询问了自己最近要做的事后,果断叫停了自己的求亲计划。xAxA他可是要潜心修佛的男人,怎能沉迷女色,娶妻生子?!xAxA哪知从此之后,他今个儿看到了自己偷偷撰写的情诗,明儿个寻到了自己偷偷定制的一屋子女装,后儿个甚至无意翻到了以他和段蕴溪为主角的小黄文……xAxA宁淮:本侯的春心,当真动过?!xAxAxAxA步步心机,重重算计。xAxA小官之女段蕴溪终于从一众贵女中脱颖而出,攀上了宁远侯这根高枝,得到了他明日将去她家提亲的明示。xAxA她面上羞涩难当,内心欢欣鼓舞,欢欢喜喜归家,静待明日收局。xAxA结果天还没黑呢,就听闻宁远侯惊马受伤,一晕三日,醒后直接忘却了最近两年的记忆。xAxA小心算计谋划了两年的段蕴溪:……xAxA眼见着失忆后的宁远侯对她冷若冰霜,寒眉剑齿 >>

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