Kumiko & Shingo Read Online



From Amazon.com: Any pairing of two masterminds can elicit murmurs of approval—or of apprehension. But all readers can rest assured that in this case, the pairing of seinen manga suspense master Urasawa and legendary cartoonist Tezuka is a very, very good thing. In a distant future where sentient humanoid robots pass for human, someone or some thing is out to destroy the seven great robots of the world. Europol’s top detective Gesicht is assigned to investigate these mysterious robot serial murders—the only catch is that he himself is one of the seven targets.

Love Forecast (Izumi Rin)

Love Forecast (IZUMI Rin) summary is updating. Come visit MangaNato.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Love Forecast (IZUMI Rin). If you have any question about this manga, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Till Dawn

A meeting between a caged bird and a murderer. A meeting that can never be re-united. A meeting that is so short yet so sad...

Kumiko & Shingo

This series of manga is about a romance between the dimunitive Shingo and his friend Kumiko in different stages of their lives, from childhood to adulthood. It spans six different manga titles - 5 one-shot manga and a 10 volume 6th series that eventually wraps things up. It's well worth the time: 1. 130 cm no Dandy 2. Dodgeball wo Shiyou 3. Mirai Yousouzu 4. Step Up 5. Paris de Issho ni 6. Otona ni Naru Houhou (10 volumes) How to Become an Adult

Life-Saving Guide

Life-Saving Guide summary: Life-Saving Guide summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Life-Saving Guide. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha

Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha summary: Eighteen-year-old Trinity is unlike any other werewolf in her pack. For one, there were unusual circ.u.mstances surrounding her birth, for another, she is the only pack member to never shift into a wolf form. So now she doesn't quite belong anywhere. Not quite human and not quite wolf.
She thought she would be able to live her life how she wanted when she had turned eighteen. Go to college, make some friends, have some fun. But what is she to do when the dangerously s.e.xy Alpha literally falls right into her lap?
'I am not human, and I am not a wolf. I don't belong anywhere...'
'...we both know that no one is going to mate with me, and even if they did, they would just reject me anyway.'
What is the s.e.xy, brooding Alpha going to do? The elders are making him hold these ridiculous parties to search for a mate. He doesn't want a mate, but he knows he needs a mate to finish the Alpha Circle. Without a mate, a Luna for the pack, his people would suffer. And what is he going to do when he stumbles across the girl that fate has chosen for him and he finds out she has no wolf?
'This cannot be!' I roared. 'There is no way that I can mate with a girl that does not even have a wolf. She will be too weak. She will be inferior. She will not be strong enough to be a Luna.'
'I simply could not accept her as my mate. Not fully. It wasn't safe for her. She would get herself killed. And she would bring my pack down with her.'
When these two meet, sparks will surely fly. But will it be from pa.s.sion, or their constant fighting? Neither of them wanted a mate. Neither of them wants the mate that fate chose for them. And neither of them can make that mate bond go away. What are they going to do now that they're literally stuck with each other?
***Rating Warning***
Adult Language
Strong s.e.xual Content

Perfect & Virtuous Girlfriend's NTR Production

Perfect & Virtuous Girlfriend's NTR Production summary: My name is Minamori Shunta. My body was small, I was not good at exercising, and I was able to study just a little while I was able to study for a while. The other party is Akane Toe. Black hair like long silk thread, dignified looks like dolls, Fully slender high stature, plump fruit full of fruit that can be seen even on uniform uniform of fabric, Waist narrowed in upper body tightened, thigh with clench, supple and long legs. Approximately perfect proportions, appearance is meant to refer to her. It is not only appearance that such Mr. Akane is perfect. In the mock exam, the first place in the country is commonplace, in the land section the national tournament first place. Parents are one of j.a.pan’s leading businessmen, local educators with schools, a millionaire with many real estate. Personality is not separated from anyone, it is a good interview. Completeness means exactly that of her. Somehow, I confessed to her that she fell in love at first sight, I decided to start dating with her. Now living together with her parents in the property of her parents, I am studying from domestic affairs, even my s.e.xual life. But I had s.e.xual preferences that I could not tell her. NTR likes taste. “I will satisfy the shunta’s being s.n.a.t.c.hed” The day she liked NTR like me like that to Mr. Akane, she told me so. Seven days after that, I got her a piece of video data. ※ There is only an erotic scene, it will be a work like a scene collection rather than a novel.

Supernova (Killer Whale)

Supernova (Killer Whale) summary: The rich are strong and the poor are weak... Yushin learns what it means to fight for what he believes in.

百合Colle Lilly Collection







类别都市 恋爱 生活


类别恋爱 校园 生活






















内容简介:主角是杨雨欣老周的小说又叫纯纯昧动、老爸与女儿等,讲述杨雨欣今年十八岁,自从初中毕业后,就辍学在家跟着父亲务农,处于青春期的她,对于异性的身体,是非常好奇的,雨欣虽然不是老周亲生的,但 从小养到大,也算是自己闺女,当看到那丰满的部位时,他还是没忍住多看了两眼。1w28608-86045 >>


内容简介:高中时期,洛欢暗恋的那个少年,眉眼精致漂亮,性格孤僻冷淡,少有朋友,身上的校服总是一尘不染,洗得发白,清瘦的身上总带着大大小小的伤口。偏偏成绩却优秀的要命,是整个德川高中最特殊的存在。 没人知道他总是被打的半死,也没人知道,漆黑肮脏的小巷里,洛欢在每个晚上轻轻为他轻抚伤口。轻柔的呼吸拂过他身上的每一寸肌肤。某天,少年再也忍不住,捏着她的下巴,厉声警告她离他远点。那时的少女被按在墙上,眼睫轻眨,嘴角带着殷红的血迹,仰着脸冲他笑了笑,一双清澈水灵的眼眸却带着天然的无畏:“我不。”洛欢看着他冰山般的眉眼慢慢融化。可高二结束的那个夏天,他却毫无预兆地消失了。洛欢把所有的心动与歇斯底里都埋葬在了那个夏天。后来的洛欢,成为整个江北大学舞蹈系里最耀眼的小女神,在国际舞台上大放光彩,却因为单身至今被舍友们戏称为“小尼姑”。大三那年临近期末,院系联谊,不知情的副校长热情互相介绍:“这是A大医学系的江知寒,天联集团的大公子,你们互相认识一下。”短暂怔愣过后,洛欢落落大方地伸手,漂亮的眼底平静再无波澜:“你好。”江知寒却红了眼。当天晚上,洛欢就被喝得醉醺醺的少年堵在长廊。少年撇开一众人,眼底猩红,偏还动作小心翼翼地将她拥进怀里,声音微哑:“欢欢,不记得我了吗?”——*甜软小仙女x阴郁冷淡浑身是刺的少年*治愈小暖文*高中到大学再到成人1w0-4593 >>


内容简介:叶安安穿书了,穿越到一位集万千宠爱于一身的公主身上然而却在即将走上人生巅峰的时刻死于非命叶安安想到这个设定,泪流满面:还有比这更悲催的事吗?不过不用怕剧情在手,天下我有——当务之急是抱 紧天下第一佞臣的大腿拍马屁,送礼物,不要脸的往上贴……唐怀:公主又在撩我。1男主东厂厂公,伪太监2女主穿书成公主3男女主都不是啥好人,对待敌人绝不手软,双处甜宠文4男主喜欢傲娇女主喜欢卖萌5两人都是护短属性6男主一直以为女主暗恋他ヽ ̄д ̄ノ1w0-95144 >>


内容简介:  一个月前张恒发现自己一天的时间多出了24个小时,与此同时他也被卷入到一场危险的游戏中……  另类无限流,轻松向。  不要太纠结细节,当tvb看看就好。  群号:1943293151 w0-35 >>


内容简介:连亦琪因为一场意外事故,觉醒了她前世的记忆,发现她穿进了一本女主奋斗小说中。女主正是她同父异母的姐姐,但她却不是跟女主斗智斗勇的反派,而是活在女主记忆中的早夭的小妹妹,全文描述不到一个 章节。想到现在自己跟女主姐姐的关系还挺好,于是决定跟在姐姐身后喝点汤。顺便存存小钱钱,然后就可以当个幸福的小咸鱼,自由自在的玩耍了!可是只想当小咸鱼的她有位一直让她学习的亲妈,每天不是在学习,就是在学习的路上1w0-66093 >>



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