Ai No Hana Gin No Koi Read Online


Divine Melody

This is a wonderful tale set in historical times that deals with amazing legends... A strong and active young boy named Duo Xi and a gentle young girl named Xiao Que live in a village at the base of a mountain which, legend has it, is home to female fox demons. Among the foxes is the very special Cai Sheng--a little girl fox with the power to one day become what only the most powerful foxes can become: a man, able to sire celestial fox children. Lonely, with no one her age to play with, the child fox Cai Sheng descends to the village and plays with Duo Xi and Xiao Que, and when the little fox child is attacked by a dog, it's the two human children who save her! Now the humans are marked, and will remain so--even in their lives to come--until Cai Sheng repays her debt to them... Two hundred years later, Cai Sheng is more powerful and has mastered the art of becoming a man...and she still owes a debt to the reincarnated children! -- ShoujoMagic (Clarifying note: Very low ecchi content)

Tama To Tama To

Tama and Aoi are friends from childhood. Tama is a shrine maiden that is not allowed to ever leave the village she grew up in because if she does, a terrible curse will unfold. Very much unlike Aoi, who's a normal girl and is free to do whatever she wants with her life. When Aoi's parents die, she has to move out of the village. To her dismay, Tama follows her in order to make sure Aoi fulfills a promise she made to her when they were younger...

Itoshi O Tome - Kimi Ga Kokoro Wa

Tsundere Yuriko: A tale of love set in the feudal times! A tale of a tomboy daughter of a high ranking official and her love with her special other, who she was sworn to take care of and protect. Tachibana-hime and her precious Sakura must persevere through the harsh lifestyle of nobility, and many challenges await them that could forcefully tear them apart... will Tachibana's undying love for Sakura be enough to protect her?

Ai No Hana Gin No Koi

By Backlash67: Fujino Misato, the cute young florist and landlord, is being bullied by debt collectors. Enters Sakanoue, a silver accessories designer. Sakanoue intervenes in a dispute between a perverted debt collector and Fujino. Upon rescuing Fujino, Sakanoue gets fussed out by the seemingly ungrateful Fujino. A short time later, Sakanoue’s manager, Kaoruko gets an apartment for Sakanoue that is located in Fujino’s building. Sakanoue disguises himself in front of Fujino and moves into Fujino’s apartment building. Fujino treated the disguised Sakanoue rather cordially but when Sakanoue’s true face is revealed Fujino’s personality does a 180. Thus start the quirky cat-dog relationship between Fujino and Sakanoue. Fujino’s prejudices and Sakanoue’s hidden identity causes great strains in both of their lives. Can these two stop their constant bickering long enough to establish a loving relationship?

Using Gacha to Increase My Companions and to Create the Strongest Girls' Army Corps

Using Gacha to Increase My Companions and to Create the Strongest Girls' Army Corps summary: Social game had became the hot topic in public now. There was one man who was addicted to it. For some reason, he was invited to another world after he rolled the gacha like he usually does. The gacha from the social game is available in his trusted smartphone. It was a convenient and cheat tool that can give out equipment and beautiful girl characters. He now aims to create the world’s strongest army of beautiful girls in another world.

Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories

Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories summary: Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Knock, Knock, Knock and Other Stories. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology

The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology summary: The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The 1893 Duryea Automobile In the Museum of History and Technology. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Corp - Counterattack

The Corp - Counterattack summary: The Corp - Counterattack summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Corp - Counterattack. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.








简介朝夕相处16年的青梅竹马早已经分不清亲情还是爱情的界限了,本以为永远陪伴,一生缘分走下去……而一次意外竟让原本只属于她的他 “撞”进了时尚界娱乐圈,看着他踏进耀眼光鲜靓丽的新世界,明星路道阻且长,是渐行渐远还是不悔相伴?而接踵而来的时尚御姐、明星女王又让他如何纠结,如何选择……
























内容简介:准主神小可爱茶茶要去小世界历练了。大佬爸爸不放心,不仅改变了任务内容,还在历练的每一个世界都投射了自己的分身。再加上有系统小白叔叔的陪同。大家觉得自己的安排一定是万无一失。可是万万没想 到的是不知道出了什么意外,五个历练世界的爸爸们竟然全部都聚集在了一个世界!系统小白:“崽啊,大事不好!任务难度加大了!”茶茶:“可是小白叔叔,爸爸不是来帮我做任务的吗?”系统沉默:……我竟无言以对茶茶觉得自己说的很对。后来的后来……一号霸总爸爸:“茶茶跟我住。”二号医生爸爸:“先跟我去做个全身检查。”三号顶流爸爸:“茶茶跟爸爸一起去上节目好不好?”四号国师爸爸:“随我修身养性。”五号少将爸爸:“来跟着爸爸训练下身体。”茶茶欲哭无泪:“小白叔叔!爸爸太多了,茶茶已经顾不过来啦啦呜呜呜!”某只被防的严严实实的狼崽子:小可爱爸爸太多了对我也是一种伤害!1w0-77742 >>


内容简介:  大唐......得魏晋之遗风,又承胡夷之奔放,无理儒之板古,避世家之横世。这是最好的时代,万里江山如画,四海呈平似锦。但,这也是最残酷的时代,皇权血祭父兄,欲望蒙蔽亲恩。自太宗起, 子篡父、弟弑兄、父杀子、子叛亲、妻谋夫、臣逆君,李唐天下,似梦魇缠身,相杀不绝。 皇权更迭,更如鬼獒啖亲而存!九犬一獒,这个流传于后世关于藏民驯獒的传说,真假姑且不论,但却真实地映照在这天唐盛世之上。那么,一只幼犬,弃于襁褓,游离獒群之外,又当如何百炼成獒,逆世而生呢?吐槽群:274736025 全订群:5314617991w0-2221 >>


内容简介:  疯狂肆虐的宇宙天灾,无孔不入的心灵污染,降临现世的亚空间大魔……灵能并不是宇宙星空的主角,混乱与隳落才是。对未知的灾厄诚惶诚恐,卑微俯首——只会让那些渴求着灵能的扭曲之物愈发疯狂。 人类文明唯有以自身的灵能为献祭,筑超能机甲为神舟,奉必死的决心,才能够在这无限恐惧的宇宙星空之中,绽放出昙花一现的纯白光耀!书友群:688300822,欢迎大家的加入。1w0-3600 >>


内容简介:(完结老书:我腹肌呢!穿书)“老天爷不让我歪科!”“突然发现自己成了救世主怎么破?”莫如之觉得自己可以去评比“有史以来最惨穿越者amp重生者”!重生到武道盛行的世界一十八年,别说金手指 ,连个练武资质都没有!老天爷!这是人干事?!对!您老人家本来就不是人!索性没有金手指,倒是给了他一个还算不错的大脑和完整的家呃呃,也算完整吧……莫如之:呵呵,既然不让我练武,那我就去当科学家!莫如之:终有一天,我会让科技取代武学,我要让科技的力量照耀寰宇,我要用科技的力量让人类永世不朽!啪叽!一个“签到系统”砸到他脑瓜上!从此,莫如之踏上武途,杀妖兽!斩异人!屠人奸!蓦然回首,他已经站在绝顶之峰,只手撑起这泱泱人间!立意人生在世一定要艰苦奋斗,为了自己和社会美好的未来而努力!1w0-29960 >>




内容简介:追书神器苏溪尧一觉睡醒后,发现自己穿越到了前不久才看过的小说里。女主先天性体弱,温柔善良体贴,头脑聪明是个学霸,最后和大佬男主在一起,幸福美满;而她却穿成女主的双胞胎姐姐,从小就顽皮捣 蛋不学好,高中时还靠着和女主相同的脸,欺骗男主,妄图成为他的女朋友,揭穿后被众人唾骂,最后高考失利,一生悲惨。系统告诉她,只要刷够男主的厌恶值,她就能回家。而现在——苏溪尧手里拿着情书,看着站在她面前的男主,以及默默在后方观察,随时会来拆穿她的女主……在男人拒绝她的前一秒,立马将信撕毁,义正言辞道:“你以为我会像你表白吗?呵!太天真了,这世界上,只有学习,才能使我快乐。”唐宁齐:“…………”一言难尽。等待揭穿的女主:“????”为了刷够厌恶值,苏溪尧每天都怼天对地,生命不息、作死不止,然而……男主深情脉脉的看着她:“尧尧,我喜欢你。”苏溪尧:“……”各位书友要是觉得《穿成菟丝花女主的姐姐》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28604 >>

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