Kuma-San To Issho Read Online


Kowarekake No Omocha

Chapters 1-3,Ch.6.5: Extra: Shinobu left his large family to go live with Kengo as his playmate and companion to earn extra money once his father fell ill. Kengo takes advantage of Shinobu's position as his 'toy', and when they are older he begins to have sex with him as well. Shinobu is afraid that Kengo will throw him away once his usefulness is over, proving that Kengo doesn't love him. Where will this relationship go as the boys go through high school? Chapter 4: Wakana-sensei has always wanted the perfect wife, despite his bad luck with women. One night after getting drunk, he picks up Shimada and brings him home to spend a passionate night in bed. Wakana is horrified by his actions, but when Shimada follows him to school it's revealed that they've been classmates before Wakana became a teacher. Can things work out so that Wakana has the home life he's dreamed of? Chapter 5: Mana has a huge crush on You, a local surfer and swim instructor. Mana comes to the beach every day to watch him, but is not brave enough to approach him. The perfect opportunity comes when he is knocked down by a wave, and pretends to not be able to swim so that he can have You's attention all to himself! Will Mana finally get to have his seme before the summer ends? Chapter 6: Hostage situation, for two rival businessmen. A failed love confession in the past has had them at odds for years, but when they are suddenly taken hostage, all bets are off!


Altered humans, Uno and Yuuna, takes on ARCA's deal to service their debt.

Ushirokara Dakishimete

Compilation of 3 short stories revolving around a pair of student.

Kuma-San To Issho

A little girl Rin and her bear protector happen upon Sayuri, a survivor of the zombie apocalypse. Rin seems to be living an idyllic life in her lone mountain home, but how is it that she and Mr. Bear have managed to go unnoticed by the zombie hordes?

Essays on Life, Art and Science

Essays on Life, Art and Science summary: Essays on Life, Art and Science summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of Essays on Life, Art and Science. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Principles of Masonic Law

The Principles of Masonic Law summary: The Principles of Masonic Law summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Principles of Masonic Law. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Life of Cicero

The Life of Cicero summary: The Life of Cicero summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Life of Cicero. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

I became the Villainess's Brother

I became the Villainess's Brother summary: Having wandered the borders of life and death because my younger sister lost control of her magic, I remembered that this world was the otome game 「Sparkle like a Jewel」. And I, Langlease Jackberry, am the villainess’ brother. I want to evade the destiny of destruction that I remembered. I’ll watch over my cute younger sister so that she’ll become an ordinary girl instead of a villainess, and at the very least avert her death if ruin so unluckily falls. The BAD END routes for the villainess are split into three general types. 1) Destruction Route As a villainess, my sister brought about the Prince’s displeasure when incidents of her bullying the Heroine came to light. With his impropriety exposed and his peerage revoked, Father was exiled out of the country. 2) Suicide Route My sister, who had truly loved the Prince, shocked that the Prince had announced the cancellation of their engagement at the party, committed suicide. In this route, it is only my sister that dies, and my family and I are not condemned. 3) Jewel Route The END that could be said to be the centerpiece of the game. My sister, having displeased the Prince, was sentenced to be turned to a jewel with magic. She had been turned into a jewel the same color as her eyes. She was shattered to pieces in front of everyone. With pink jewels dancing in the midst, the still of the smiling Prince and Heroine was beautiful. However, it was my sister’s life that was smashed. I will absolutely never permit that kind of future for her. Presently, perhaps owing to her young age, her personality did not resemble in the slightest that of the template domineering, ill-tempered villainess in the game. She was kind and with a deep compa.s.sion, to the point where she was loved completely by the servants. Naturally I also thought of her as someone precious. Though I want to avoid the BAD END completely, I’ll work so that I can avoid at the worst the second and third routes where my sister dies and provide a viable lifestyle even after ruin. To continue living with my sister and my family.




















简介我叫简羽,今年20岁,大四学生,宁州人。 为了以后能在宁州有更好的发展,我以超低的价格在大学城附近买了一套小别墅。 我的生活就从这个小别墅发生了翻天覆地的变化......












内容简介:阳旭,带着【无限升级】外挂穿越了。一刀狂暴,秒升999级不再是极限!复活、麻痹、传送神器,打怪就有!九阳神功、六脉神剑、道心种魔神功,杀人就爆!神女圣女妖女,投怀送抱,天帝天神魔皇,争 做小弟。阳旭开挂的人生,简直是爽歪歪啊!1w0-2394 >>


内容简介:  岳关,被誉为缔造了中华上下五千年的男人。  一统八荒的秦始皇,开疆拓土的汉武帝,军略无双的唐太宗,极限翻盘的明成祖,甚至,还有神话时代的商纣王。  中华上下五千年,没有岳关演不了的 皇帝,他创造了无数经典的帝王荧幕形象,经典到很多人直接尊称他为陛下。  对此,岳关一直很谦虚:朕只是个演员。1w0-1488 >>


内容简介:(又名斗罗主导权缺失——【我想说的】副CP戴家兄弟(微),比比东友好,结尾武魂殿国教,无战争剧情。平均周更,单次间隔周更加减两天。【我接受的】友善的评论或者言之有理的负分【我拒绝的】外 主观的负分和人身攻击【我期待的】专栏里第一棵树一定要长好嘛……不知道会遇到多少小天使1w0-99700 >>


内容简介:地师之后,拥有一把名为月牙之刃,闯荡江湖。特种兵之子,看他如何再写传奇,创造辉煌。地师不过承祖易技,他所拥有的不只是地师这个词,地师?特种兵?超级打工族?请锁上门……关上手机……打开电 脑……不要让任何人打扰你!静静地点击阅读这本小说,否则,你可能失去一次彻底改变命运,拥有美女,拥有一辈子财运的机会!这将是你生命中最重要的时刻!它可能影响您的一生,让您拥有万千的美女与财富,你的事业和人生将会出现魔术般的转变……已完本一本百万小说,人品保证。1w0-28926 >>


内容简介:  灾蝗有毒!不能吃!炒钢法?汉朝就有!土豆玉米远在美洲!来到大唐的姜云明觉得自己是看别人下棋的那个人,但是走着走着才发现自己不知不觉中已经成为了棋盘上的棋子。放不下的过去在现实的逼迫 之下不得不放下,忘不掉的人也在现实的逼迫之下只能放在内心深处。看着和自己内心深处那个人如此相像的却是一千五百年前的人,看着同一个太阳下,同一个地球上却相隔了一千五百年的家乡,放下是那么的困难。1w0-3447 >>


内容简介:本文将于8月26日(周四)入v,届时三更,感谢各位小天使的支持!整座栖霞城的人都知道,金平侯家的嫡子向宁,知书达礼,容貌昳丽,更兼有个家门雄厚的父族,是早早定了要嫁与安国姥的孙女的,将 来自有世袭爵位,百般荣华。而他家庶子向晚,不过是个受人冷眼的外室子,得了老祖宗说情,才勉强接回府里养着,连粗使的老侍人也敢低看他一眼。那一日,他低头听着嫡父道:“凭你的身世,实难挣得什么前程,我做父亲的总要为你操心,你且作阿宁的媵侍,同嫁去安国姥府上吧,也是你天大的造化。”他也以为,如他这般的人,理当知足。不料世家踏青,暗中相看的那一日,他眼看着小王女司明玉,人尽皆知的纨绔,凑近安国姥家女儿耳边,同时向他一挑眉,“此等美人,做媵侍可惜了,你卖我个面子,让给我做王夫呗?”排雷:女尊,男生子——————————新文求预收,《帝城阙(女尊)》世人皆道,苏锦,苏大人,是全天下最不识好歹的人。以男子之身,居帝师之位,如此千古未有之事,皇家给他多大的脸面。然而,护着孤弱的小女皇,从群狼环伺中一步步走来的是他。眼看大功将成,却反手背刺女皇,与乱臣贼子共谋的还是他。他事败被擒,跪在大殿上犹自带笑:“这些年在你身边,只是为了行事方便。朝臣皆忌惮我,只有你最好骗。”女皇仁慈,不要他的命,只要他从朝堂消失,从此安居后宫,做她的君侍。人人都以为,苏大人当感恩戴德。谁知册封当日,他一身大红吉服,就在女皇的眼皮子底下,纵身一跃,血溅宫墙……——————————楚滢一觉醒来,回到了十五岁。这年,她还不是一代明君,那个到死都不让她痛快的人,还活着。朝野内外传说,苏大人白天辅佐新皇,夜里还要为皇家开枝散叶,属实……兢兢业业,令人钦佩。1w0-79103 >>

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