Steady Study (Yamato Nase) Read Online


Nabi: The Prototype

From Tokyopop: In this collection of cute shojo stories, Ryu-Sang is a tough boy who gets in fights and--although he doesn't want to admit it--cares for the girl he's supposed to protect. Story 3: Myo-Un, an orphan girl with no memories of her past. Tells the story on how she came to understand the bad mannered boy Ryu-Sang to which became her first friend in the temple. Story 4: Ryu-Sang, a mean and blunt orphan boy. Although he hates and treats Myo-un badly, he protects her!? Story 5: Aru is a child who just lost her father, the story on her journey to the temple while being accompanied by big brother Ryu-Sang and older sister Myo-Un. Note: Myo-Un and Ryu-Sang are both the protagonist in the series Nabi, one of the author��™s ongoing series at the moment.

Mint De Kiss Me

Yuu Watase's Masterpiece Collection Volume 5 consists of four stories. 1) Mint de Kiss Me - There is a legend that if you kiss the man you like with a mint candy in your mouth, you can become one with your love. Misono is a rather superstitious girl who decides to test this out on Tohno-sensei, a young teacher she has a crush on. Unfortunately for her, she makes a mistake in the attempt to surprise him and instead kisses her fellow classmate Shindou. Of course this would be the time for the legend to work quite literally as Misono’s spirit enters Shindou’s body. 2) Genseika - Chiya goes to school with her friends and witnesses one of them die suddenly as a flower bursts out of him. The three friends had been together since elementary school, the death hitting Chiya and Yutaka hard. When other people begin dying from the flowers, they investigate possible reasons for such usual deaths. To her surprise, she finds answers close to home. 3) Furimuke Romance! - The hero of girls targeted by guys peeking into the locker room, Taka has quite the violent tomboy reputation. But all she wants is for some handsome guy to ask her out. A cheerful street vender, Ryouta gives her a special ring with a heart locket pendent to hold pictures. When two photos are enclosed, romance is in the air. 4) Hang in there Nakago (Part I) - Involves the scenario where Fushigi Yuugi was actually done by real actors. Unfortunately, Nakago (stage name) is a lot more unconfident than the character he plays. At least his one main fan, an unnamed woman with flowers, is there to support him through his worries.

Rosetta Kara No Shoutaijou

In a village where the stars shine brightly in the sky, the inhabitants find themselves forced to leave their land within the year in order to make room for the strange new power plant that is being built there. Having lived in the village his entire life, Kotarou cannot accept the fact that his beloved home is soon to disappear. During that fateful summer vacation, our young protagonist and his best friend Haruhiko meet Oosaki Kanna, a sweet young woman with an enthusiastic smile who suddenly moves to the area...

Steady Study (Yamato Nase)

Irresponsible Kiyoshi Iijima, a genius who is working at chinese restaurant, becomes good friend with model student, Shinji Tsuruta.

The Sun Dance of the Blackfoot Indians

The Sun Dance of the Blackfoot Indians summary: The Sun Dance of the Blackfoot Indians summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Sun Dance of the Blackfoot Indians. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path

Unlimited Power - The Arcane Path summary: A college student was returning home after studying abroad for several years when the end of the world happened. A dragon appeared out of nowhere and attacked the plane he was in, thanks to an incredible amount of luck and his quick-thinking, he managed to survive the plane crash only to get stuck on a tropical island. A weird system took over the world and brought monsters to Earth...

Baree, Son of Kazan

Baree, Son of Kazan summary: Baree, Son of Kazan summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Baree, Son of Kazan. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Animorphs - The Discovery

Animorphs - The Discovery summary: Animorphs - The Discovery summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Animorphs - The Discovery. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.





捉鬼上海滩 前传

致敬林正英和功夫的上海滩捉鬼的老故事 搞笑和修仙 和僵尸 和捉鬼








类别恋爱 爆笑


















内容简介:  少年坐椅,面朝大海。  持一缕灵气,遥指这个波澜壮阔的世界。  哪里不对点哪里。  ……  有人曾一刀成绝响,斩巨龙,沐龙血。  有人曾喜欢请喝鸡汤,后院豢养九只凤凰。  有人曾枯 坐山巅,口若悬河,一气压得百万军。  有人曾落笔搬山移岳,绘一副锦绣画卷,可困仙神。  而那年,春暖花开。  他们不过是平凡无奇的杀猪匠,臭书生,养鸡人,穷画师。  这是一个将低武大陆改造成超玄幻大世界的故事。  PS:已有600万字完本万订《异世界的美食家》,300万字精品《造梦天师》,可入坑~1w0-203 >>


内容简介:灵法于心,提笔道出万念汹涌。仙法于身,夺苍穹为我琉璃胄。道法于理,以玄冥量青天北斗。命运两个错,峰回路转再来回!九霄神将,护大帝坐拥天下,保帝后一世平安,会三皇帝心,成众生帝莲,安我莲 帝天下名!1w0-3219 >>


内容简介:许褚:“主公,少主又说他病了!”许褚:“主公,少主又闯祸了!”许褚:“主公,少主又不见了!”曹操猛拍桌子,铁青着脸吼道:“我曹孟德英明一世,怎么就生了这么个逆子?”许褚:“主公,少主把 吕布杀了!”许褚:“少主把邺城攻下了!”曹操仰天大笑:“不亏是我曹孟德的儿子,少主现在在哪呢?”各位书友要是觉得《重生三国当皇帝曹昂》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w2233-4783 >>


内容简介:霍天磊,中医世家传人,本想做一个县医院里一个普普通通的医生,却不知想平庸竟然这么难,而一切的美好、精彩也由此开始……妙手回春、一针定生死,这种事有那么难吗? 这位美女,我只是个医生,请你……喂,你在干嘛?我卖医术不卖身啊……1w0-981 >>


内容简介:卓焜,一个地球上普普上班族,一朝突变,竟然化身为华夏图腾——五爪金龙。在都市底下的远古阵法里悄然觉醒,然而上天注定了他将不会平凡,一场围绕着他的旷世大局,就此展开。大家都说这世间并没有 龙的存在,就连没正正经经的接受马克斯主义教育的卓焜,也是这样认为的,但经历了一件事后,卓焜是彻底的相信了有龙存在。因为,他就变成了一条龙,一条满身金甲的五爪金龙!一条有关国运和成仙的龙!它的出现,使在现代隐身的那些世家大族,纷纷出现,用自己的玄学手法前来捕捉卓焜;而国家也派出大量的军队到处的寻找卓焜,希望卓焜能回归国脉,永葆国运昌盛。无奈,卓焜只得在现代都市中四处逃窜……但幸好有龙族的传承技能。有时是在地下水道,有时是在某个楼顶或民居,有时也会在深山大海。但无疑,有时卓焜这条龙会遇到人类。且看龙族的少龙卓焜,是如何在现代中玩转地球,一步步成长,开辟异界,创造属于自己的龙族时代!1w0-99582 >>


内容简介:宋绵思上辈子被堂姐一家吃了绝户,她爹娘留下的房子,钱和粮票通通成了堂姐家的。甚至连她的死也都被堂姐家利用得彻彻底底,成为勒索她的丈夫林家的把柄。变成鬼后,她看着堂姐一家飞黄腾达;堂姐成 了大学生,嫁入高门大户,成为百万富翁;而后又勾引她的丈夫林贺成,失败后还恼羞成怒报复林贺成。万幸,林贺成手段高超,没中计,反而还发觉她的死有问题,四处奔波想尽各种办法调查她死亡的真相,和堂姐家的秘密。就在一切答案都要揭晓时,宋绵思重生了,重生在说亲之前。大伯母刚要拒绝说亲:“棉思瞧不上你们家贺成。”宋绵思:“谁说的,天下所有男人我就只想嫁给他!”天下间深情女人多,专情男人少,能有一人爱她一生,为她讨回公道,年年记得她的生辰和忌日,宋绵思决定好好对他,帮他照顾弟妹,带着全家发家致富,更重要的是问清楚林贺成到底什么时候喜欢她的。一把6.4式冲锋木仓能打中三百米外靶子,虐得手下兵嗷嗷叫的林团长在听见这句话时,出门就撞了柱子。1w0-2654 >>

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