Amai Nukumori Read Online


The Man I'll Always Hate

The story takes place in April of 1980, in Waco, Texas. It follows a rambunctious young girl named Debbie. Debbie's mother passed away before she was old enough to remember her, and two years ago her father remarried to a woman with a son named Kianu and a daughter. Her mother treats her poorly, her father ignores her, her brother harasses her, and her sister looks up to her. The only person she's able to talk to is Father Tran, a priest who had been friends with her father in the past and in love with her mother. (Mangatraders)

Akaboshi - Ibun Suikoden

Approximately 900 years ago in year 1112, China is in the Sung Dynasty, China is slowly destroying itself.Now, a legendary hero is born, Taisou, the 'Falling Star' rumored to be able to turn into a fireball and run. He is part of a band of 108 chilvarous thieves named Taitengyoudou and they are the ones to save the decaying land of China. He meets a girl that pretends to be him and now the story begins... From Baka-Updates: Based on the Chinese novel Shui Hu Zhuan, this series is about the trials and tribulations of a band of outlaws during the mid Song dynasty. It is 1112, China is in turmoil with the present Song dynasty's government and its inability to control its own provincial officials from preying on their people. However, tales of a band of outlaws punishing these abusive officers called 'Taiten Gyoudou' is spreading. Their deeds are giving people hope. It begins with an encounter between Suiren, a young village girl believing in the bandits, and 'Falling Star' Tai Sou, a traveling swordsman whose skill precedes him. * Suikoden (???) is a Japanese translation for Shui Hu Zhuan.

Story Of Someone We Know

From: Easy Going Scans The story of three average women, and their not-so-common everyday life.

Amai Nukumori

1-3) Sweet Warmth. After a difficult time of being dumped by his lover and getting hurt by falling down the stairs, Shinshu meets Fushimi at work, where he is assigned to help him due to his injury. Fushimi is tender and thoughtful towards him, which is a different experience for Shinshu. 4) Kiss at Midnight. When childish and spoiled Harumi gets rejected by his housemate whom he loves, he moves in with Hisaya who has always been there to pick up the pieces for him. 5) If Love is Secondary. Natsuhiko gets drunk one night and is taken home by Jin. Natsuhiko seduces Jin, only to realize later that Jin is his college crush who turned him down! Jin was such a playboy back then, has he changed at all? 6) The Love that Follows You. Takashi is ready to propose to his girlfriend, but she never shows up for their date. At her apartment he finds a note and her younger brother Yukinari. With his girlfriend gone, Takashi starts spending time with the lonely Yukinari, but is he only a father figure to the younger man?

Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife

Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife summary: Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Hi, My Adorable Sweet Wife. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Yuusha Party no Kawaii Ko ga Ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite (LN)

Yuusha Party no Kawaii Ko ga Ita no de, Kokuhaku Shite (LN) summary: Youki died in a traffic accident and was reborn in a fantasy world! However, instead of being the hero of legends, he ended up reincarnating into an overpowered demon. Having no desires to become the Demon Lord, he sits around in the Demon Lord’s castle as a random low rank guardian.
One day, the Hero’s party comes to attack and on a whim he knocks out the entire hero party. Healing up the Hero party and then preparing to send them back to town, he notices the female priest and falls in love at first sight!

My First Book

My First Book summary: My First Book summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of My First Book. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Zettainaru Kodokusha

Zettainaru Kodokusha summary: Minoru Utsugi, a teenager who lives a peaceful (if boring) life with his sister-in-law, finds his life changed when extraterrestrial contact grants his dearest wish, leaving him with the power of The Solitude. But the ability to realize absolute isolation only plunges Minoru into a battle he never wanted to fight. As his old life comes to an end, he steps into a new role—as the Isolator!


简介【每周四更新】在没有遇到柯明轩之前,边老大酷炫狂霸拽,走路带风。纵然没有柯明轩,想必他也会继续活得开心快乐。 可惜偏偏遇到柯明轩,让他遭遇了人生中最大的皮肉之痛。续集《论一个厨子的撸猫修养》同步更新(改编自长佩文学网《秋以为期》,原著桃千岁)






























内容简介:  (专宠双洁+暴力型小哭包女主)  奉城宋家有对姐妹花,前者福运加身,容色双绝。后者空有美貌,是个整天喜欢哭哭啼啼的丧门星。  宋窈窈醒来发现她穿进了那本跟她同名同姓的小说里,不幸的 是,她是女配。  女主人美心善,父母宠爱,听说她还要自己的未婚夫?  宋窈窈表示:拿去拿去通通拿去!  你说你福运加身,才貌双全?宋窈窈微笑,那你怕是没有听说过什么叫做锦鲤本鲤,技能满点吧?  后来,当女主得意自己追求者众多时,宋窈窈已经是各国大佬的座上宾。当女主成为娱乐圈当红小花通告无数时,宋窈窈不知不觉混成了知名导演……  宋窈窈对此无奈:我真的只是随便玩玩!  哪曾想原著男主也跑来凑热闹,深情告白:“窈窈,蓦然回首,原来我最爱的还是你!”  宋窈窈:“老公你听我解释!我对他真的没有想法!”1w0-959 >>


内容简介:西汉末年,王莽篡位,天下大乱,有一布衣,拔剑乱世中。他运筹帷幄,辗转征伐九万里,剑锋所指,敢令八百诸侯。他东征西讨,荡平割据军阀,克定天下。他以柔治天下,励精图治,天下英才,尽归其麾下 。他叫刘秀,东汉第一个皇帝。“这皇座,只能我来坐!”1w0-4273 >>




内容简介: 夏建独身混都市,历尽苦难,终成正果。摇身一变,他成了名符其实的大老板…… 1w0-1139


内容简介: 父母失踪,为得到能力找到他们,我迫不得已要当十年哑巴。 却在这档口被点名做了上门女婿,虽然老婆绝美倾城,但从未给过我一天好脸色,说我是个窝囊废! 而今天,十年限制结束! 我将把一切,重新翻盘…… 新书火爆来袭,阅读的朋友别忘记点击收藏! 【每天更新时间凌晨保底连更三章】 老书《老子是神龙》链接 老书《无敌修仙在校园》链接 1w1241-1267 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《末世之我靠签到拯救世界》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读在末世艰难求生的半夏窝囊的死在了末世的第十年。一朝重生在末世的两个月前,意外得到了一个签到系统的半夏决定默默苟住小心求生。可是 这个该死的签到系统总给她开下下签是什么意思,都末世了还要在意欧不欧的问题她上哪里哭?!老娘不干了!什么,签到一百天送绝世好签?签到五百天送神兵?签到一千天送剑仙?我干了!别无办法的她在两个月后开着破皮卡开始了她的捡垃圾拾破烂的末世之旅。路上捡到快死的,走丢的,被抛弃的别嫌弃,洗洗都还能用。没想到她集齐了一队‘老弱病残’最后竟然莫名其妙成了救世主……事实证明,按时签到会有惊喜真从天而降。本文又名《我有特殊签到技巧》,《靠一些玄学苟命》,《签到送男人》,《我男人是限时体验卡》,《老公大我九万岁》既皮又怂话多还爱怼人热衷捡破烂非洲酋长女主vs又仙又冷三棍打不出一个字真佛系老男人绝世仙剑男主【展开】【收起】1w0-97981 >>

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