Black City Read Online



Fujimoto Hajime is a third year high school student who has been dating his teacher Nakajima Keigo for the past six months, but he feels they're in a uneven relationship. Hajime's always the one to seduce Nakajima, and even though Nakajima's birthday is coming up he won't let Hajime buy him a present! Has Hajime been mistaken about their relationship this whole time?

Pillow Talk + Holiday

From Baka-Updates: Adapted from 'Hada no Ue no Renai Jijou ' with the following pairings: Aoki x Mizusawa; Tsukishima x Yamaji . This is a series of six. The order is: 1. Hada na Ue no Renai Jijou 2. Zaiaku wa Hada no Ue ni (same characters & issue but different plot) 3. Zaiaku wa Hada no Ue ni-Hada no Ue ni Furu Hana* 4. Renai Tsuu 5. Renaitsuu-Akka-* 6. Pillow Talk + Holiday* (*) indicate djs. 4 and 5 are spin-offs featuring Aoki and are contain events from Zaiaku from Aoki's perspective. 6 features both couples.

Crossbone Gundam: Skullheart

Sequel to Crossbone gundam. Unlike the other two episodes of the 'crossbone saga' this volume focuses on several short stories that don't have such a great effect over the jupiter war. While the book itself is not meant to be comedy, but the 'character' of the stories is (generally) much less serious than either the first or the third part of the crossbone series. The stories are pretty varied in both, placing and characters. Due to that the series is actually decently strong in the cameo department.

Black City

From RebelliousArt: The following stories are included within this collection: Black City, Two Keita's, Proto One, and Jewel of Love.

Apocalypse Z - Dark Days

Apocalypse Z - Dark Days summary: Apocalypse Z - Dark Days summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Apocalypse Z - Dark Days. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


Phenomeno summary: “There are things that shouldn’t be seen.”
Often said my late grandmother, and that was quite true.
I was drawn to the occult from childhood, and upon entering university, I learned the truth of those words by stepping many times into the edges of the netherworld. Ghosts — beings which no one can decisively determine whether they exist or not. The story that begins here revolves around stories brought forth by them.
And this story, it can also be said to be the story of it and I.
As its eyes glimmer in front of strangeness, as it breathes out words with a bedazzled expression, it warped the world that I always believed in. It made me anxious of whether the ground I stood on would shake. I would want to look over my shoulder just by listening, and I grew to fear whether someone were peeking from the dark shadow of the door.
Maybe it was because the words it spoke included truths about the other side. It included truths that only applied to the scant, grotesque, waning, dead ones.
Now, after it has disappeared, do I finally know that.
As grandmother said, it was a world that I should not have seen. It was a story that was not for the living person.
However, I intend to speak of that.
I intend to speak about all of that.
Because if I don’t — it wouldn’t be able to rest in peace.
Because it, having lived on the edge of darkness, having struggled through the threshold of darkness, would not be able to live in peace.
Yes — I’ll say it once more.
From here on, is a story that shouldn’t be known.

In Northern Mists

In Northern Mists summary: In Northern Mists summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of In Northern Mists. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Fredericksburg and Its Many Points of Interest

Fredericksburg and Its Many Points of Interest summary: Fredericksburg and Its Many Points of Interest summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Fredericksburg and Its Many Points of Interest. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.










这是一个隐藏在繁华街内的小酒吧——觅,它仅为在人间的妖怪们提供服务。 三名店员:九尾、泉客与佑佑,他们分别是被封印了妖力的大妖怪九尾狐、世间仅剩的最后一名鲛人与前朝的小皇子,命运的指引下、这三人相遇并经营起了这座酒吧。 这是一个讲述妖怪与人类之间的爱恨情仇的故事,愿你看完后能打开心结,珍惜身边的人。

隔离带 2











简介颠覆传统漫画格局,融合热血、少女、写实、废萌等多重画风,搞笑与感动并存的青春物语! 在紧张刺激又笑料百出的展开中,各类不同画风且极具个性的角色将悉数登场,然而黑暗画风界的魔爪也在向众人逼近…




银河护卫队是什么人? 一年前,银河护卫队被摧毁了。他们本应美好的未来因为其中一名成员的背叛而支离破碎。 如今,他们在宇宙边境的一个法外之地的角落里行走,试图扭转他们的悲剧。 他们能够在这荒凉的边境重新找回英雄气概与人性吗?他们能走出过去失败的阴霾吗?还是说,他们将会遁入黑暗之中,永恒赎罪呢?






内容简介:【文名改了下,梗没变】许鸣翊什么都好,明亮耀眼,宛如天上的骄阳。唯一的不好,就是他心里有个白月光,他半点也不喜欢姜宁。——这一点,直到车祸中他弃未婚妻姜宁不顾,选择冲上去保护白月光,姜 宁才明白。燕一谢冷淡阴沉,沉默古怪,只对青梅竹马的姜宁才会冰雪消融。他陪她走过不知多少黑狭小路。他一手创下商业帝国,所有财产转移她名下,孤注一掷,从不给自己退路。但仍只能沉默地听她说起,她喜欢的那个人。一睁开眼,重回少女时代。姜宁洒脱转身,敬往事一杯酒,只当喜欢许鸣翊那几年喂了狗。还是个小奶包的她除了挽回生病的亲人、好好读书、利用重生让一家人过上好日子。还一步一步,坚定地朝在车祸中救下自己的燕一谢走过去。燕一谢现在九岁,爹不疼娘不爱,双腿残废,脾气古怪。刚和小姜宁因为许鸣翊了架,言不由衷说出“别再来烦我”这样的话。可其实,他还是每天推着轮椅去走廊,眼巴巴等着她来。这一天,他以为姜宁再也不会来了。可姜宁不仅来了,还1w0-60192 >>


内容简介:一个身世迷离的少年,几段缠绵悱恻的情恋!因缘际会之下掀起一场天地变色的腥风血雨!正邪相争,道魔倾轧,平静了二十多年的江湖因为少年的无心闯入而风云再起!在这里有精彩绝伦的打斗,有感天动地 的旷世绝恋,还有奇异惊险的见闻经历!1w0-95815 >>


内容简介:奉安城有句流传很广的古语:男儿不可长于妇孺之手。直到出自身将门的顾家女顾汐宁,卸甲归来,接掌顾家和顾氏族学后,奉安所有人的脸都被打肿了。本站提示:各位书友要是觉得《将军退役后日常》还不 错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-75535 >>


内容简介:时光暗恋时景岩很久,那晚借着酒劲,给他发了条信息:【小时候,我想和你一个姓。后来,我终于如愿了。再后来,我最讨厌的莫过于和你一个姓。】她又加了一句:想不想知道我为什么讨厌跟你一个姓?半 夜,时景岩从公司回来,当面回她:“不想。”时光:“……”一向高冷的时景岩很难得笑了,笑里带着三分慵懒,七分宠溺,直接把她抱了起来:“我先表白。”1w0-2709 >>


内容简介:凤凰岛凤影山庄庄主之女风霓华奉父命比武招亲,却招来了个丑八怪为夫,为退婚她参与武林大会,途中认识了神秘人袁公子,阴差阳错下还险些成了他的妻子。当她渐渐对袁公子产生情绪,却发现袁公子接近 她是另有目的……1w0-76143 >>


内容简介:李馀年小的时候,曾经有一位大师给他算命,说他五行缺土,一生注定归无定所。可是李馀年摸了摸躺在自己身边,打着小呼噜已经睡着的那个人。若是可以再见那位大师,他一定要糊他一脸,他生在这里,长 在这里,和爱人有了一个温馨家怎么可能归无定所呢?可惜,他没想到的是,他所拥抱的浮木,也许,根本就不是他的。白月光渣攻V温柔执着贱受,主受温润坚强受X潇洒放荡攻1V1坚定不动摇,主受各位书友要是觉得《替身上位攻略》还不错的话请不要忘记向您微信群和微信里的朋友推荐哦!1w0-28272 >>

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