Rose Hip Rose Read Online


Tsukushite Agemasu

Main story: Tsukushite Agemasu - Yuzuko’s a positive, always charming girl with the horrible habit of speaking out loud whatever is on her mind. Sometimes it's for the worst. Just when she’s done it again and insults someone, she’s saved by a drop dead gorgeous maid from the Maid & Butler café. Little does she know that the maid is none other than the high school 'Ice Prince' hottie Itsuki... Side Story 1: When Fireworks End - It is summer, and Natsuno takes Yukino to see fireworks at the beach. But is that sea water in his eyes, or tears..? Side Story 2: My Hysteric Girl Kou promised to protect Nazuna, his childhood friend. But one day Nazuna pushes him away, saying she doesn't need him any more. But...

A Million-Pound Love

This is a collection of seven oneshot stories which were already published. Released so far... 1) A Million Pound Love: a 80 year-old lady asks a 20 year-old playboy to marry her as a last wish, in exchange for one million pounds. 2) A Fairytale Judas The Nobles can fly, are as white as snow, maybe whiter and even brighter. 3) Noah's Spaceship The eighteen year old Junior is suddenly switched with the fourteen year old Junior. 4) Metal and the Bride Jack is a talented man, or is he?

Kurumi-Tic Miracle

1st story : Kurumi-tic Miracle (ch.1-3) Kurumi found a stone that transformed into a bracelet in her grandfather's antique shop. That bracelet lets her wish whatever. Naoki, the guy she likes, wants to get it from her so that he can fulfill his promise to his brother. His little brother has the other stone that is full of enmity and venom. If the two stones will be put together, the world will come to its worst case. What will happen now? 2nd story : Boy's x love (ch. 4) Kana is a very good fan of Ash band but she likes Akira the most. During their performance Akira somehow fell then Kana ran towards him and they bumped their heads together. After they regain consciousness, they found out that they switched bodies. How will they cope with the different lifestyles? 3rd Story : I love tomboy A girl, Hana, was so fond of playing basketball with boys, dressing like not a lady, and fighting with boys. Trying to get on the prettiest girls list, she changes herself. But will she be successful is snagging the guy she likes?

Rose Hip Rose

Rose Hip Rose is a manga about a teenage girl who fights crime. While the setup doesn't sound so great, it gets better as the manga progresses. The series' major strong point is the art. Along the way, she ends up having a showdown with a major criminal named The Goat. However, it seems that The Goat doesn't seem to like being caught. Be wary, though, the series is very violent. The art and story are by Fujisawa Tohru, author of GTO and Bad Company. The art is quite nice, but somewhat different from GTO's. If you like violence, gore, Fujisawa, or cacti, Rose Hip Rose is the manga for you. Oh yeah, did I mention it was violent?

Northanger Abbey

Northanger Abbey summary: Northanger Abbey summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Northanger Abbey. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss

The Fierce Illegitimate Miss summary: Yu Linglong is the shu (born of a concubine) daughter in a general’s family. Since her mother was only a tribute dancer, her position is the lowest of the low. She used to live with her mother outside the father’s residence, and they only received some monthly money from him. He didn’t bother seeing them. But when her mother dies, she moves into the general’s residence.
The general is a very irresponsible and violent man. He doesn’t really get attached to women, just letting his l.u.s.t dictate his actions. His wife is a jealous woman, who killed one of his previous concubines, because he doted on her too much. She similarly wants to get rid of Yu Linglong, in part to vent her frustrations over her husband’s cheating habits.
Because the sixth miss – the general’s legitimate daughter, was bitten by a snake, she needs detoxification. The cure was apparently getting poisoned by scorpions, to fight one poison with another. But since she’s already weak, they decided it would be better if she drank the blood of someone poisoned by scorpions instead. The general’s madam naturally decided to use Yu Linglong’s blood. During the process of getting bitten by the scorpion, the original timid Yu Linglong died of fright (and maybe poison? it’s never made clear). Then Yu Mei takes over her body.
Yu Mei is a modern woman. She was some mafia boss, so she’s very capable with fighting and overbearing att.i.tude. She died because the man she fell in love with betrayed her and killed her. So she doesn’t trust easily afterward.
Since she took over Yu Linglong’s body, she refuses to adapt to the circ.u.mstances of a lowly illegitimate daughter, and uses her violence to fight for a peaceful life, where no one will challenge her and plot against her. Basically, she beats them up into submission. In the meantime, she acquires a tail – a very persistent prince, who only seems to stick to her harder, the colder she treats him. Did ancient men have such heavy tastes, she wonders.

The Arte of English Poesie

The Arte of English Poesie summary: The Arte of English Poesie summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Arte of English Poesie. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Lord Of The Wolfyn

Lord Of The Wolfyn summary: Lord Of The Wolfyn summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Lord Of The Wolfyn. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


茶龙社漫画 ,公主公主直到永远的作者作品 因为各种原因后续还会继续弧 总之还是可爱的小故事 可爱的女孩子们之间的那种






























内容简介:银河奖最佳网络科幻文学奖得主彩虹之门最新作品————————一颗黑洞即将吞噬太阳,人类文明面临灭亡。为了延续文明,世界政府执行“火种计划”,派遣二十名宇航员,驾驶着火种号飞船,携带着人 类基因库及众多种子、胚胎、物资等,前往遥远的海王星外天体——塞德娜星,希望能在那里将文明延续下去。几十年岁月悄然流逝,到达目的地的时候,赵长星却发现,从冬眠舱之中成功苏醒的只有自己一人。在人类文明已经灭亡的现在,赵长星,是整个宇宙之中最后一名还活着的人类。因为某些未知原因而不会衰老的他,必须要依靠自己的力量,将人类文明延续下去。依靠人工子宫孕育新一代人类,建造种植基地生产粮食,建造工业区生产机械,建造综合基地容纳更多的人口,建造太空船坞生产飞船……赵长星坚信,小小的塞德娜星,一定能成为人类文明重新腾飞的起点。这无尽宇宙,浩瀚星河,必将成为人类的舞台。——————————这本书的类型,大概可以算是宇宙种田文吧,描述人类文明在宇宙之中发展的故事。如果感兴趣,请点一下收藏,再投个票,感激不尽!1w59048-100121 >>


内容简介:微博晋江君汐若最近时空司新添了一个任务部门,组里虽然只有一个人,却是主神费尽心血亲自创造出来的精英。而这个被命名为“被攻略组”的部门的任务只有一个,那就是——扮演位面原著人物,不惜一切 代价,务必将即将脱离控制的VIP金牌攻略者留在这个世界受自带被攻略系统,扮演原著人物金牌攻略者自带各种攻略系统,根据任务攻略原著人物大概就是个攻略者准备攻略受扮演的原著人物时,却在攻略途中无法自拔地沦陷,最后任务完成甘愿留在这个世界的感人故事(?),嗯。……至于受?当然是坐等攻略者们来想方设法攻略自己啦≧▽≦结论主神在下很大一盘棋就是这么丧心病狂,依旧要写这种被攻略的无脑苏文hhho ̄▽ ̄ブ【酷爱去吃药本文将于日18时准时入V,感谢一直陪伴我走过来的你们,真的很爱泥萌~么么啾!推荐自己和基友的文《初恋逆转系统快穿》by君汐若男神总在被攻略《鲛人男神娱乐圈》by君汐若今天男神的马甲掉了吗没有《我只想做个普通人(穿书)》by梦千航但是这个世界不让。排雷指南:1本文苏白雷,人设苏苏苏,文笔小白,不适者还请绕路2“将攻略者留在这个世界”这句话就是表面意思,攻略者一般任务完成后会被强行离开,想留下只有脱离时空司变成普通人,也就是只有这一世不会再穿越了。3结局1v1,正攻由每个攻略对象被回收的一部分灵魂组成。1w0-29418 >>


内容简介:际亦薇的女奴生涯阮亦薇的女n生涯阮亦薇的奴生涯全文阅读阮亦薇聂逸风分卷阅读39阮亦薇阮亦薇的生涯免费阅读我的军奴生涯小说阮亦薇的奴生涯御书屋阮亦薇聂逸风结局阮亦微的女全文免费阅读《阮亦 薇的女奴生涯h》最新章节就在小兵1w0-71738 >>


内容简介:重生了,杨破军感觉很头疼……作为破之一族族长杨无敌唯一的孙子,熟知历史轨迹的他,从出生的那一刻就知道了自己未来的命运。没错,如果没有意外,自己注定会被唐三当成炮灰,推上对抗武魂殿的前沿 阵地。杨破军不想当炮灰,重生一世,命运当然要掌握在自己手中。所以……唐三:别……别打了……我不组建唐门了还不行么?杨破军:小三啊,你组建宗门的想法我很赞同,但你要打破之一族的注意我就有点不1w0-30036 >>


内容简介:本书又名《这个种族明明超强却显得过分白痴》,《论有脑子的人跑进太空歌剧中会发生什么》,《灵能文明发展科技树的正确姿势》本书阐述的仅是作者个人对灵能这种奇幻设定的一种逻辑推演,因为灵能本 来就不存在,所以也请不必太过较真,如果你发现书里有什么不合理的地方……别问,问就是灵能,灵能解释一切。蜂潮肆虐星河,在河系诸多文明的共同努力下,嗜血残暴的蜂群终于被压制下来,一颗颗满是工蜂的巢穴行星被巨像炸成陨石矿带,当蜂群早已被改造为蜂群巢穴的母星上空出现庞大的歼星巨像,蜂群的失败已成定局,在这亡族灭种的关键时刻,蜂群主宰磅礴的灵能贯穿时空,以献祭自身为代价让伟大存在降临,只求在灭亡的危难中挽救蜂群,于是太阳系中的某人就这样莫名其妙的被抓了壮丁……作者:政泓所写的《开局一艘巨像骑脸》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。推荐地址:1w0-97420 >>



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