Alabaster Read Online



‘Race!On!’ is a high-octane action/racing manga which pulls you into the fantasy land of Oracen, where magic and steam-driven technology co-exist. There are magical creatures, robots, monsters, and crazy people who wear pointy hats. The story follows Lyn – a mechanic who, by a twist of fate, finds himself entering a Magic Race – a dangerous competition where the objective is not only to outrun your opponents, but also to survive whatever explosives, magics and punches they might throw at you. In this crazy competition where anything can happen – you either finish first, or you don’t finish at all.

Sensual Trigger

It contains 5 stories: 1) Erotic Trigger: Yoshino's boyfriend, Koyota, only seems to have one thing on his mind-sex. Yoshino loves him but is dying for a little romance. Can Koyota pull back enough for her birthday? 2) Liar Trigger: Akira works in designing women's and underwear he's VERY serious about it. His work always ends up to be the end of his romances because he will always bluntly chose work over women. But his co-worker Ririko seems to be different. Can she be the one woman he can truly count on? 3) Mint Trigger; 4) Vibrating Trigger ; 5) Summer Trigger. NOTE: The last two stories contain yuri themes.


A shounen story where 2 teenagers went back in time to the 'Three Kingdoms' period of China. An entertaining action series with some light moment & a bit of romance. You also get to learn a bit about that era. From JanKenPon: Middle schoolers, Shiro and Masumi, encountered a mysterious dragon that brought them back to the time of the Three Kingdoms; situated in ancient China. As soon as they arrived, they were rescued by the Han Kingdom. Not long after these events, Masumi was kidnapped and Shiro barely escaped death... Soon the story gets more complicated as they are stuck in the past.


James Block is a former sports star whose criminal endeavors landed him in jail. In prison he meets 'Dr. F', a strange old man who tells James about a beam that can turn living things invisible. After escaping from prison, James finds and uses the laser on himself. But, because the beam has not been perfected yet, it only rendered his skin invisible, leaving his insides visible to the outside. Angered at his disfigurement, James takes the name 'Alabaster' and begins eliminating the hypocrites and the boastful. He is joined by Ami Ozawa, the granddaughter of 'Doctor F', who was rendered invisible after the doctor used his pregnant daughter as an 'F Beam' test subject. On their trail is Rock, a vicious FBI agent.

Tales of the Caliph

Tales of the Caliph summary: Tales of the Caliph summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Tales of the Caliph. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Running Snail

Running Snail summary: She falls in love with him in the most simple time of her life, as if falling into an abyss and unable to extricate herself. Secretly in love with him for many years and one short month of happiness become the snail’s heavy sh.e.l.l in the back, like being joined by blood vessels so it is difficult to let go. She has been crawling forward with a heavy sh.e.l.l, as the person she loves most has never been within her reach. She forgets no matter how fast she runs, she is still a running snail who cannot keep up with the pace of time. There is a man who is willing to always keep watch over her and endure her snail’s pace. Whenever she turns around, that person will gently smile and says, it doesn’t matter, I’ll wait for you. An unforgettable and memorable joyful childhood sweethearts. One who is cold and detached yet cannot hide the gentleness and tenderness. One who accompanies you from beginning to end, through rain and shine. When the sh.e.l.l can no longer shelter her from the wind and rain. When the heart string is once again touched by the gentle and soft gaze, how should she choose…

Girl In The Water

Girl In The Water summary: Girl In The Water summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Girl In The Water. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Harper's Round Table, September 17, 1895

Harper's Round Table, September 17, 1895 summary: Harper's Round Table, September 17, 1895 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Harper's Round Table, September 17, 1895. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


类别都市 恋爱 修真










类别悬疑 蔷薇






简介知名女模真实身份竟是女装大佬? 身负数个代言,郁一直被当“女性”。 随着进入青春期,他开始对青梅竹马萌生了特殊的感情,而对方却一直把他当成gay蜜…作者:郭晓(编)&秃头老咸(绘)/春风画社,每周四更新~














内容简介:  【2017最火玄幻作品,海外点推双榜第一】张悬穿越异界,成了一名光荣的教师,脑海中多出了一个神秘的图书馆。只要他看过的东西,无论人还是物,都能自动形成书籍,记录下对方各种各样的缺点 ,于是,他牛大了!教学生、收徒弟,开堂授课,培育最强者,传授天下。“灼阳大帝,堂堂大帝能不能注意点形象?”“还有你,乾坤魔君,能不能少吃点大葱,想把我熏死吗?”这是一个师道传承,培养、指点世界最强者的牛逼拉风故事。已有完本《拳皇异界纵横》、《八神庵》、《无尽丹田》等书,质量保证,可入坑!1w0-479 >>


内容简介:周皎暗恋高未然,暗恋了六年。终于在第六年,感觉柳暗花明,心意相通后的跨年夜里鼓起勇气告白。高未然十分感动于她的告白,然后拒绝了她。真是个有点悲伤的初恋故事。过后的几年里,周皎一心扑在事 业上,上过山,下过海,到处修路致富,直到修到了高未然的地盘上。“皎皎,我们重新开始好么,让我追你?”“不好意思,我要结婚了。”【是HE,HE!】1w0-90312 >>


内容简介:【飞卢小说网独家签约小说:洪荒:求求你,别自爆了】林辰穿越成洪荒第一只平头哥,从此不是在干架,就是在干架的路上。“打架不用告诉我人数与对手,只需要告诉我在哪。”平头哥的三项选择系统,让 林辰在凶悍的道路上,一去不回头。“平头白发银披风,洪荒大地我最凶。”“洪荒乱不乱,平头说了算。”“那家伙又来自爆了,快走。”平头出没的地方,永远少不了争斗。飞卢小说网提醒您:本小说及人物纯属虚构,如有雷同,纯属巧合,切勿模仿。如果您喜欢洪荒:求求你,别自爆了,别忘记分享给朋友作者:洪荒平头哥所写的《洪荒:求求你,别自爆了》无弹窗免费全文阅读为转载作品章节由网友发布。无弹窗推荐地址:1w0-73047 >>


内容简介:  苟?不存在。 本尊从开局就是以雷霆之势崛起。 本尊也想低调,但实力也不允许。 修炼?不存在。 本尊平日里喝喝茶,发发呆,只要座下万千弟子修炼不停,本尊修为自然就跟着一日千里 。 弟子没天赋?不存在。 本尊神之右手逆天改命,天山派最不缺的就是拥有旷世天赋的弟子。 数万弟子难以驾驭?更不存在。 在本尊天道之眼下,一切人心无所遁形。 从方浪穿到这个修仙世界,做这个九流宗门天山派掌门开始,就已经注定无敌,哈哈哈。【本书标签:无敌流、种田、掌门流、无女主】本书又名《我摊牌了,我全身都是挂》《不用修炼就无敌,好烦》、《超神大掌门》、《我师父实在太高调了》、《仙界之劫》、《我真的没想无敌啊》。《无敌的日常生活》、《我的徒弟都是仙王》。1w0-2959 >>


内容简介:白日梦贩卖机是由芙玖所写的都市言情类小说,本站提供白日梦贩卖机最新章节阅读白日梦贩卖机全文阅读白日梦贩卖机免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现白日梦贩卖机更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0- 70098 >>


内容简介:《重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜》为作者妖画画创作,作品重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜章章动人,小兵为你第一时间提供妖画画精心编写原创重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜及无弹窗重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜全文免 费阅读、TXT下载。简介关于重生军婚,首长宠妻甜如蜜:【1V1双洁,重生军婚文】“首长,你看咱俩都不是自愿的,这事就当没发生过吧。”他冷笑,“怎么,睡了不认账?”上辈子,夏初一婚前失贞,被家里人唾骂为淫娃荡妇,逼她嫁给跛足的老鳏夫。舅舅、母亲接连因她而死。只身逃到南方打工,辛苦半生,最后惨死渣男之手。重活一回,她定要保护爱她的和她爱的人,改写天命。陷害她的,她要让她自食其果;逼迫她的,她要让他跪地求饶;杀害她的,他要让他生不如死!顺便,前面那位长腿面瘫解放军叔叔,看你长得帅人专一技术好的份上,我就勉为其难嫁给你了吧。1w52201-78704 >>

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