Kokou No Hito Read Online


Pink Butterfly

Collection of seven oneshots with various themes (hard yaoi). 1) Pink Butterfly; 2) Going to Ocean’s Home for Summer Holiday; 3) A Night when the Moon’s Smiling; WARNING: CONTAINS TWINCEST 4) New Teacher; 5) Fraud; WARNING: minor panels of beastiality 6) Together with You; 7) A Present Picked Up in the Rain. WARNING: S&M themes


'The star, fallen from celestial, built a kingdom in the abyss. He cultivates rusted souls fallen into the abyss. The star was trying to build a beautiful land. And then, hundreds of million nights had gone. The king of the abyss was laid up. He tried with his last power, and gave birth to two hopes. The red prince was born from his right eye, and the blue prince was another one. The future is always only one.' Apocripha/0 takes place in a 'devil's point of view,' in a world known as 'Naraku.' Since devils live here, in vice versa, angels from 'heaven' are their enemies. In this world, there was a powerful king of Hell who ruled under the absolute rule that 'only the strongest will survive.' He spent a long time trying to create a peaceful world, but his time was almost up, and therefore, his hopes lie in the fates of his twin princes - Alex and Platina. The king ordered Alex and Platina to fight each other in the 'battle/war of succession.' They were raised and trained by their own staff officers - Sapphirus takes care of Alex, and Jade trains Platina. Aside from having the same blood flowing in them, the two princes are actually strangers to each other. Alex does not want to fight Platina, but Platina does not seem to hesitate. Does Platina really want to fight? Will they have the strength to fight each other? Only the strongest will survive... Who will win? Aside from the 'war of succession,' a young boy named Beryl seemed to know a lot about the two princes, but in the midst he remains a mystery to them.. Sapphirus and Jade seemed to know something also. The princes both also saw visions of different events and even voices in their dreams. What do they all mean? --Taken from Diadeem Project

Kaikan Phrase

Sakuya, the lead singer for the hard-rocking band Lucifer, is the unattainable object of desire for millions of hopeful women. Aine is the demure high school student who suddenly finds herself in the middle of a raucous rock'n'roll circus. Together they're writing the book of love — one hit song at a time!

Kokou No Hito

From Stiletto Heels: On his first day of transferring to a new high school, a loner named Mori Buntarou, is cajoled by a classmate into climbing the school building. Despite knowing that one misstep could send him spiraling to his death, he moves forward, and upon finally reaching the top, Mori experiences a sense of fulfillment. That feeling, which seems to be telling him, 'You're alive!' gives birth to an adrenaline for rock-climbing.

The Lady Of The Storm

The Lady Of The Storm summary: The Lady Of The Storm summary is updating. Come visit Novelonlinefull.com sometime to read the latest chapter of The Lady Of The Storm. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Check New Novel1

Check New Novel1 summary: check new novel: miss chicken & her mister

The Bad Boy Wants Me

The Bad Boy Wants Me summary: Skylar is 16. When she moves to a new city and a new school. Reign is 18. The bad boy of the school. He has girls lining up to be with him. What happens when he crosses paths with her? He knows one thing for sure that he wants her.

Waiting For The Train

Waiting For The Train summary: Why is that, every time I would try to say my feelings, the train would always stop me? I thought to myself, would I really let the train stop my feelings? That’s why inhaling deeply, with my hands at each side of my mouth, I shouted, “I LIKE YOU!” But as I shouted, the door had already closed and the train had already gone off. No matter how strong your heartbeat is and even if he’s near, if a train pa.s.sed by, he won’t hear it. Train Guy: “Hi!” Train Girl: “h.e.l.lo!”




想改变命运吗? 那就跟我玩个游戏吧~ 觉得自己人生失败的东太,羡慕嫉妒完美的转学生。 他却对自己说“这就像玩游戏一样简单”。

















虎x鹤 妖师录











内容简介:  一个平凡少年,行走在武侠世界,最终成为超凡强者的故事。  QQ书友群:7188427091w0-480


内容简介:岑宁十三岁被接到大院,院里小孩见她软萌胆小,使劲欺负。岑宁恐慌不安,只好壮着胆子跑到言行之的面前:听说我是你老婆,那你能给我撑腰么?……长大后,岑宁离开了,因为别人说言行之有喜欢的人了 。岑宁有点难过,但还是在临走前跟他打了招呼:听说我不会是你老婆了,那我能喜欢别人了么?时光荏苒。言行之压着眼前的小白兔,万般情绪只化为一抹淡笑:宁宁,这么多年白给你撑腰了吗。1w0-3991 >>


内容简介:鬼节将至,百鬼夜行,令人不安的守尸花现,接二连三有人离奇死去,死状酷似献给百鬼之首的祭品,温文尔雅的县令沈白居然是被选中的祭品之一……空无一人的座位,居然在众目睽睽之下将杯中酒喝个精光 ?走不出去的东园,暗通井下的书房,骤然暴毙的高才榜眼,深受皇恩荣宠的周家光鲜的背后到底藏着何种让人不安的秘密?接替沈白的新县令赴任途中被人残忍砍去双腿,是谁不顾天威挑衅于衙门?寻求真相的沈白几人被引向了那个无人知晓的长寿古村。是谁伸出的罪恶之手上遍染无数无辜者的鲜血,而隐于背后操纵一切的那个人目的何在?ahreftargetblank皇a上无故病重,揭下皇榜的神秘国师因此一夜崛起,深受皇帝宠信多年的鬼面法师与新崛起的神秘国师秘密斗法,掀起朝廷上的血雨腥风。朝廷重臣相继失踪,被剔肉刻骨而死的亡灵居然重现人间,牵出尘封多年的旧事和冤屈……《变脸师爷·终篇》,聪慧少年师爷,让一切阴谋大白于天下!棠岚鼎力大作,必看言情小说。1w0-80431 >>


内容简介:和编编商量后决定入v啦,周五0点万更掉落,v后日更。求订阅,求花花!你们的支持是我码字的动力!本书文案哄好反派的方法千万种,宋言卿选择了最简单的哪一种——躺平做舔狗。不管反派做什么决定 ,宋言卿都是“支持1w0-77203 >>


内容简介:洛晗看了一本人人恋爱脑、为了爱情不顾一切的仙侠小说,之后被召唤穿书,得知原来她是小说里的天道化身。小说后期,主角们为了爱发动战争,差点毁灭世界。她为了自救,只好走上拯救世界之路。想要制 止战争,最好的办法就是把黑化男二掰回来。男二凌清宵是全书美强惨,他本来是嫡子,却被人和私生子男主调换,以庶子身份长大,受尽虐待。后来身份暴露,生母养母都护着男主,连女主也为了男主,捅了凌清宵致命一刀。凌清宵坠落深渊,百死一生,后来硬是从地狱爬回来,从此黑化,吊打全场。洛晗穿过去时已经太晚了,凌清宵已然掉入深渊。她只能救起凌清1w8559-84378 >>


内容简介:洛明蓁是流落在外十六年的侯府真嫡女,被寻回后,却发现侯府上下只疼爱假嫡女。她一脸冷漠地收拾包袱走了,却在半路上捡到了一个毁容还心智不全的男人。男人虽然心智只有五岁,但是出得厅堂,下得厨 房。任劳任怨,还喜欢追在她身后喊:“姐姐。”洛明蓁躺在榻上,眯眼小憩,这便宜“弟弟”果真没白捡。可慢慢地,她发现有些不对劲。这毁容又痴傻的男人,怎么越看越像那个传说中乖戾狠绝,六亲不认的暴君萧则!——————————————————————一场暗算,暴君萧则身中奇毒,面生红纹,心智受损。清醒后,面对使唤他洗衣做饭的洛明蓁,萧则恨不得杀了这个胆大妄为的女人。直到后来,他真香了,还在伪装纯良无害的道路上越走越远。———————————————————————小剧场:发现真相后的洛明蓁正准备跑路,却见那个“痴傻”的男人撕下了脸上的伪装,一颦一笑,宛如谪仙。萧则将她抵在门框上,嘴角勾笑:“姐姐,这是要去哪儿?”洛明蓁悔不当初,哭着道:“陛下,民女错了。”“既然姐姐知错了,那就罚你……”他的声音缱绻,不容置疑,“做我的皇后。”又美又飒真千金x腹黑演技派暴君看,那个传闻中的暴君竟然变成了小奶狗食用指南:①男主比女主年纪大,前期真傻了几天,随后就恢复心智,继续装傻,扮猪吃老虎,没毁容,无后宫。②男主前期软萌小奶狗,恢复心智后就是又A又欲大狼狗。③1V1,SC,甜文,日更,每天中午12:00——————————————————预收文《纨绔宠妻录》(欢迎戳专栏收藏)沈清在十四岁那年随同母亲一起入了谢家的大门,从此成了谢家二姑娘。小姑娘总是逢人就笑,惹人怜爱。唯独谢家大少爷谢誉,最是嫌恶这个继母带来的妹妹。从此,除了招猫逗狗,他还多了个乐子——把沈清欺负哭。可一夕之间,谢家二老双亡,家财被占,谢誉从不可一世的大少爷成了人人可欺的破落户。他夜夜买醉,流连赌场。不管他是喝得烂醉如泥,还是被人揍得鼻青脸肿。都是那个娇弱的小丫头沈清将他背回家,哭着为他上药。后来,谢誉咬着牙爬了起来,在世人的嘲讽中,背起沈清,用自己的双手,撑起了他们的家。—————————————————————谢家大少爷谢誉,兆京出了名的纨绔,除了那张脸,一无是处。所以,谢家没落时,大家都以为那个百无一用的草包少爷,会转手将沈清给卖了换钱。可所有等着看谢誉笑话的人,只等来谢誉得圣宠,登高位,还将沈清捧在心尖上宠。直到沈清要定亲那一日,他赶走了媒人,面色阴沉地拦住了沈清的路。沈清从未见过如此失态的谢誉,颤抖着嗓子喊了一声:“阿兄。”谢誉步步紧逼,声音喑哑:“既入了我谢家的门,这一生都只能是我谢誉的人!”———————————— >>

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