Togainu No Chi (Yamamoto Kana) Read Online


Sensei No Jijou

1) The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) A student who is fond of eye glasses tells his tender teacher of his feeling. The teacher kisses him but he is a little unsatisfied because the teacher takes the eye glasses off when they kiss 2) At the Guidance Room The hero, a strange student, loves a teacher, a blunder that students make light of. Bad students try to annoy the teacher by using a porn video but the teacher thinks the hero brought it 3) A Person, Held Captive The hero enters the company with his friend whom he has loved since his childhood. Knowing their supervisor aims at his friend, hero finally tie the friend up after an alcoholic party 4) The Reckelness of Youth (sequel to 'Shinobu Kokoro wa'). Hiiragi did not fully accept his orders, and acts separately from his chief, Asagi. He is thrown into jail 5) I'm Sorry, Young Master! The son of a lord, who feels his guard and martial arts teacher took a sexual joke too far, challenges him at his own peril 6) Child of the Palace in the Sea A scholar teacher of the Mountain palace country escorts back a spy boy of the Sea palace country (which dominates the Mountain palace country) who is bullied. The Cause of my Teacher (Sensei no Jijou) extra.


Kawana Tomoko, a 15 year school girl, doesn’t care about much. Everything from her social life to school life is a blur. One summer day, while waiting at a bus stop, Tomoko finds herself waiting with her classmates, Sasajima Miyuki, Yatomi and Sannou. There are nasty rumors flying around about Tomoko and how she had relations with Yamashita, a teacher at their school. As the group boards the bus and the awkwardness reaches its max, a meteor comes out of nowhere and hits the bus sending everything into a frenzy.

Teiou No Amai Wana

Mano Chiaki is simple-minded, incompetent and clumsy as well, so after eight unsuccessful interviews he's grateful he found a job working with genius architect Murasame. Even if Murasame is a bully and seems to enjoy torturing Mano, he's determined not to give up!

Togainu No Chi (Yamamoto Kana)

Serial comic based on Nitro+CHiRAL's post-apocalyptic Japan BL game, 'Togainu no Chi'. This version cleanly (no overt BL) follows the Keisuke storyline. Notes: Chapters 1-2 were published in Magazine ZERO by Biblos in 2005 under the name Tomoe Sato. Vol.1 was published by ASCII Media Works in July 2008 as Yamamoto Kana.

Even Though I'm A Former Noble And A Single Mother, My Daughters Are Too Cute And Working As An Adventurer Isn't Too Much Of A Hassle

Even Though I'm A Former Noble And A Single Mother, My Daughters Are Too Cute And Working As An Adventurer Isn't Too Much Of A Hassle summary: Into a n.o.ble cla.s.s that treats those born with white hair or heterochromia as treacherous snakes, Shirley was born into the family of the most powerful duke in the land adorned with stunning hair the colour of snow, and non-matching red and pale green eyes. Hated by her own family, and having the only man who ever loved s.n.a.t.c.hed away by a jealous younger sister on her wedding night, she is imprisoned on false charges. Enduring torture and humiliation, she vowed to take revenge against those who wronged her. But, even though she escaped, in her belly there was the child of her former fiancée. Even if the man himself is hateful, an unborn child is without sin. After giving birth to healthy twins, I thought to leave them at an orphanage for safekeeping, but&h.e.l.lip; “Ah, what to do, my daughters are just too cute.” Shirley was floored by the feelings she held for the two girls she had brought into the world. Choosing motherhood over revenge, she fled the Empire and settled in a remote town in a neighbouring Kingdom. In order to support her children, she found herself entering through the doors of the Adventurers Guild. It would be nice if we could live a nice quiet life out here, where the empire won’t think to look for us&h.e.l.lip; “Ms. Shirley! Calamity-cla.s.s monsters are appearing in the Kingdom! Can you help us!?” “I’m very sorry, but I have to decline. I’m helping my daughters with their homework today.” After ten years, she had somehow become known in the world as “The Demon Swordswoman”.

Hello Mr. King

Hello Mr. King summary: Yun Xiangxiang was a well-regarded celebrity in her previous life.
This life, she wants to be a proper actor.
Have a good reputation, rather have nothing than everything and not rely on the words from her fans. The products are quality. Firmly plant her own feet to the ground and only rely on herself to take the throne, step by step.
Yet, she accidentally got entangled with a world-cla.s.s big shot.
Ever since then, the world-cla.s.s big shot followed her on Weibo. He would gift her advanced technological goods for protection. Create rings that no one else can wear but her. He would glorify her family name so he can go through fire to watch over.
Until he finally embraced her, “It’s too dangerous for you. You can only be safe if you become my wife.”
Yun Xiangxiang: &h.e.l.lip;

Neutral Rights and Obligations in the Anglo-Boer War

Neutral Rights and Obligations in the Anglo-Boer War summary: Neutral Rights and Obligations in the Anglo-Boer War summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Neutral Rights and Obligations in the Anglo-Boer War. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Officer 666

Officer 666 summary: Officer 666 summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Officer 666. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.


































内容简介:预收文《我在娱乐圈兴风作浪》《全星际最后一只大熊猫》若干年后,有人问陆榕在无限流世界是种什么样的体验。陆榕沉思,无奈回:没什么特殊的体验,就是鬼怪见到我吓得四窜逃跑,每个副本的boss 都是我小弟……哦对了,顺便找了个男朋友。跟他同期的新人吐血:无限流世界不像他说的那样!残酷!血腥!残忍!他那么牛掰肯定是因为他把到了系统当男朋友!!系统对他偏爱!对我们都是加大难度!对他是加大甜度!!系统不公!!!主受慢热轻松文非典型无限流————预收文求收藏————《我在娱乐圈兴风作浪》十八线小明星白溪现在的人设是无害小白花形象,最怕的就是自己在高中时是校霸的黑历史被人爆出来。后来他上了一档家喻户晓的全民性综艺,意外爆火,然后黑历史被人扒出,全网一片沸腾,纷纷抱着吃瓜的心态继续扒更多的黑历史,却意外的扒出来——白溪高中时的跟班一号现在是某研究室不苟言笑的科研大佬。跟班二号现在是拿了大满贯影帝的超一线高冷男星。跟班三号现在是挥霍奢侈的金融圈大牛。而当年被他校霸过的小可怜现在则是帝都超级豪门世家的继承人,且成了他的跟班四号,日常跟一、二、三号争风吃醋……黑粉们目瞪口呆。白溪:……求别扒了!再1w0-75855 >>




内容简介:潘敬幼时父母双亡,急于求生的少女被糟了心的星探挖走,遭受了难以磨灭的痛xA她不愿泯灭于灰尘,汲汲营营,一心往上爬xA她自私,她一心为己,她抓住一切机会,对其他漠不关心xA终于站在了被仰 望的高度,却发现xA毫无意义xAxA后来,她重活一次xA这一次,她活的不一样xA她是不幸的xA可她不愿再让任何人不幸xAxA根据前世记忆,潘敬能买彩票、买房、买股票xA她可以当上富二代的亲妈xA还可以演注定爆红的戏份xA上天给了她机会走“EASY”模式的路xA但她偏不xA这份运气,她想分一分、匀一匀xA和那些绝望的、被抛弃的、被糟践的人一起xA过一过普通人的好日子xAxA女主人间菩萨xAxAxAxA下一本预收《天下刀俎》求收藏(鞠躬)xAxA长公主以为自己一手好牌,马上就天下之尊xAxA她的皇帝亲哥就快死了xAxA安插在大将军身边的刺客随时可以行动xAxA太子是个傻子,太子妃精明、但娘家势弱xAxA怎么看都是一局必胜好棋,让太子侄子当个傀儡皇帝,自己垂帘听政xAxA天下马上握于掌中xAxA只是,当万民成了一个个活生生的人xAxA长公主才明白,生杀大权不是那么好拿的xAxA慈不掌兵,善不握权xAxA对长公主而言xAxA这天下就是刀俎xAxA她愿为鱼肉1w0-30021 >>


内容简介:  大楚皇帝一道赐婚圣旨,霸气的将“小昏侯楚天秀”送到军权滔天的平王府,当了上门赘婿!1w0-3806


内容简介:贵公子vs人间尤物【浪子回头狗男人追妻火葬场】江家大少爷喜欢什么样儿的,京都世家圈子里无人不晓。要长的漂亮,身材还好,最重要是会玩。阮馥媚眼如丝,尤其是腿长腰细放的开,跟江观澜这种浪荡 的公子哥堪称绝配。一开始,阮家大小姐受邀去江家,听到江大少对他母亲说:“阮馥?我跟她就是玩玩。”所以阮馥凉了心,不想玩,她选择放手。江观澜:“真要分手?你别后悔。”阮馥:“不后悔。”后来,大家都看见纠缠的人从阮馥变成了江观澜。有人问江观澜怎么回事。江观澜:“她因为逼婚没成功,在跟我闹脾气呢。”几个月过去,阮馥发现她的救命恩人不是江观澜。阮馥:“我跟他彻底完了。”江观澜双眼猩红:“你敢走!!”江大少爷:我逼婚我自己。【每天要么中午十二点要么晚上九点更新,经常不准时,看作者心情】排雷:男主有很多前女友关于双洁:你觉得是就是(具体原因参见评论区)最后:看个开心就好,切勿当真,可以随便骂男主1w71404-97439 >>

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