Kiss To Kirai No Hantai Read Online


Ryuu No Yuigon

What is a horny lord to do, when the man he wants to have sex with just refuses to put out? Prostitute himself of course! Tenran is aggressive, powerful, horny, and a uke, and he oh so desperately wants to have sex with Asagi – one of his loyal subjects! Tenran has vowed to take the sweet Asagi’s virginity, only thing is, Asagi doesn’t see him that way! And that’s not all that Tenran has to contend with…other people are always after his throne, and he seems to have his hands full thwarting down competition left and right. Amidst all these, can Tenran and Asagi find happiness? Though he appears human, Asagi is actually from a long line of dragon lineage, and he can turn himself into a dragon at will. When he was little, he had heard many tales of the great and ancient Tenran from his mother. Only thing is, now that he’s grown up and is working under Tenran, he must admit that this great, ancient and powerful lord was nothing like what he had ever imagined! For one, his master looks more like a young woman than anything else; second, for someone so noble, the great Tenran seems far too occupied in having sex with him than anything else! Can Asagi keep his virginity intact, or will he fall prey to the attacks of this aggressive uke? Also, the constant threat on his master’s throne from time to time has him worried… ******************************** This series rocks my dragon-centric world. It is SERIOUSLY one of the most adorably romantic series in my collection. The art is below average, but the characters are awesome, with one of the most aggressive and powerful (not to mention horny) uke characters ever. ...And did I mention the dragons...?

Ayatsuri Sakon

Born in a Bunraku family, Tachibana Sakon is trained to become a Bunraku puppet master. With a pretty face, timid character and such reliance and dependence on his puppet friend Ukon.With Ukon on his hand, Sakon instantly changes from a timid boy into a careful, quiet, observant, calculating detective. Quite a contrast to Ukon, who is a chatterbox that is much more into popstars and talking to girls. This uncanny pair can see through the criminal`s plots as well as the victim's mind. As Sakon's grandfather once said: 'Controlling a puppet is reading the heart. You have to put yourself in the shoe of the one you want to portray.' Uploading..

Kimi No Karada Ni Koishiteru!?

Amamiya You studies in a all boys high school, who is still a virgin that has never been in love. One day, rumour spreads that he is someone who goes to bed easily when asked. At first, he wanted to clear up the misunderstanding, but then he decided to take advantage of the rumour to test if the person he likes would want to get in bed with him. When Chiaki finally notices him, he realizes that only being in a physical relationship is lonely.

Kiss To Kirai No Hantai

(Taken from Nakama) Are the two of us friends, or are we lovers? It not clear how he regards us. If I say ' let's kiss', he'll kiss me. If I say 'let's move in together', he'll smoothly accept. He'll indulge me, but he won't express a desire for anything in return. Just when we've moved in our new place, his little brother who loathes me appears. Because it's a good opportunity, he wants to keep tabs on us. If it come down to me or his family, he'll choose me.... Right? Contains a bunch of one-shots and than an extra of the main story: Ch 2: First Love Paradox Ch 3: Spring Won't Come Ch 4: The Bewildered Secretary Ch 5: The Boy Who Confined His Love

Strategy To Attack That Scum Gong

Strategy To Attack That Scum Gong summary: As a true over-bearing president sc.u.m gong, when Xie He for the Nth time rejected his admirer, he heard a sentence in his head: “Congratulations on achieving the “rejects 100 hosts” accomplishment; as an award you will soon bind to the “Sc.u.m Gong and Cheap Shou” system, entering other worlds to complete capture missions. As a sc.u.m gong, Xie He expresses that it is very easy to hide one’s true colors, but…… “I Heard My Boyfriend’s Brother Secretly Loves Me,” “Teacher Love Me One More Time,” “Raising Youth Manual,” “You Majesty, This Servant Obeys,” “The Tyrant Lord’s Subst.i.tute Lover,” “Captive of the Empire,” “Disciple’s Cultivation Furnace” …… Xie He: Wait a minute. These worlds sound really strange……. and why is my role the ‘cheap shou’? System: Fighting poison with poison. Using sc.u.m to overcome sc.u.m. I’ll be relying on you to abuse the sc.u.m gong! Remember not OOC~ Xie He: He he. Later…… Xie He: Hm? You say all the sc.u.m gong love me? Sorry, I only love myself.

Aunt Deborah

Aunt Deborah summary: Aunt Deborah summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Aunt Deborah. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Analyzing Character

Analyzing Character summary: Analyzing Character summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Analyzing Character. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

The Master of the Shell

The Master of the Shell summary: The Master of the Shell summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of The Master of the Shell. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.
































内容简介:当岁月走到了尽头,苍龙的朽骨化为了大地的碎片,罪恶的妖獠吞噬了生灵的血肉,暴戾的异族踏碎了民族的脊梁。 一位年轻人来到这个陌生的世界,他应当何去何从? 林沐雨选择了自己的天道,用铮 铮铁骨谱写出一曲异世狂歌,剑荡九霄,马踏星河,轻我欺我者必杀之。 铸仙剑,炼神魔,唯我称王。 —————————————————————— 叶子公众微信:shiluoye20141w0-2740 >>


内容简介:——★全文完★——同类文《樱桃雪顶》求收,文案在最下方江肆十一岁时,精致、阴郁、自卑,厌世。父母是淮序出了名的杂碎,从城北搬家到城南的路上,人人都想踩他一脚。有人笃定说“他是受人唾弃的 命,烂根里长不出好苗。”“指不定将来怎么作恶。”同院有个娇气包,生得白净软香,瓷娃娃似的,磕一下就起好红的印。笑起来像画上的年娃娃,水剪的眸子蕴含星河灿烂。与江肆不同,施月是所有人捧在掌心里的宝。寒冬腊月,他被赶出家门。旁人都在看他笑话,只有施月,怯生生地上前,伸着肉嘟嘟的胳膊向他讨抱。江肆沉着脸,冰冷的眼神死死盯着,恐吓“走远点,别在这里碍我的眼。”—九年后,江肆果真长成了别人眼里彻头彻尾的烂人。他阴冷黑暗,以恶制恶,乖戾嚣张。他信奉暴力能压制一切不服。淮序再没人敢说他一句坏话。风生水起时,心底深藏的月亮忽然重新降临他身边,比记忆中更勾人夺魄。十八岁的施月墨发乌瞳,玫瑰含雪。粉裙下身材玲珑有致,该突有突,该细有细,身上的每一丝肉都长得极有分寸,臀形是曼妙的蜜桃形状,双腿白皙细直。长相纯得要命,身材却让人欲念横生,先天优势让她轻易成了公认校花。江肆与她重逢的第一眼就生出了个荒唐念头。他想娇养月亮,沾染月亮,亵渎月亮,把她藏起来,天天抱她亲她,再不让别人多看一眼。—施月出事当天,江肆是第一个冲进栖霞山的人。找到她的那刻,压抑十年的欲望一朝倾泄,他失控地勾着她的腰,压着她步步后退,直至抵住门板。门外风雪呼啸。他几近疯狂地靠近她,两只手腕反剪,细吻抽丝落下,雨打海棠那般不容抗拒。施月眼神晕乎乎湿漉漉,模样娇俏可人。唇齿微张,双眸紧阖,被迫承受。强烈的欢愉激得她溃不成军,大脑一度酥麻得像触电。江肆抬眸,眼前的人是妖精。—施月出现之前,没人知道江哥原来这么深情。无人的夜晚,夜夜抱着她的照片,亲吻上百遍,眼神化作绕指柔。嘴里念叨着月月,红着眼想她。她是天上高不可攀的月亮,月光落在他身上,凝成清冷的霜。而江肆甘愿屈从于月亮之下。什么都应她,日日欺负她。——她是江面上最干净美好的月亮。——恶犬amp白兔你老大终究是你老大【小剧场1】江肆带施月走鬼屋,施月怕的不行,一个劲儿往江肆身上跳。他只好把她抱起。出去过后,施月问他“四哥哥,你怕不怕?”江肆面不改色“怕。”施月纳闷“那你怎么不腿软?”“……”他闷声搂紧施月大腿,往上提了提。这种情况还软,那他该去看医生了。【小剧场2】李淼淼对施月提问——“请问爱情、金钱和快乐,你最想要什么?”施月睁着无辜的双眸“不能都要吗?”李淼淼痛心疾首,又问“做人要讲宗旨啊,咦,你中指是什么?”这个呀。施月开心地伸出干净纤细又白嫩的十根指头,小嘴巴拉巴拉地向 >>


内容简介:和三个反派当舍友男A女O是由泩沙所写的穿越架空类小说,本站提供和三个反派当舍友男A女O最新章节阅读和三个反派当舍友男A女O全文阅读和三个反派当舍友男A女O免费无弹窗在线阅读,如果您发现 和三个反派当舍友男A女O更新慢了请第一时间联系小兵。1w0-73674 >>


内容简介:手机阅读《重生之婢女妖娆》无弹窗纯文字全文免费阅读上一世她是他的妾,他刻板迂腐,因为所谓的规矩害得她没了孩子,可她不恨任何人,因为这是她无法反抗的命。重来一世,她不要找任何人报仇,只想 平平安安过日子,宁为寒门妻不做高门妾,可他怎么就是不放过她,而且那个刻板迂腐的人哪去了,这么流氓真的大丈夫么。。。下载地址加入书架投推荐票直达底部1w0-81764 >>


内容简介:墨白满级之后进入狐妖小红娘的世界,成为年幼时雅雅的守护灵,他表示很无奈。“放心去洗吧,我对小屁孩才没兴趣。”看着眼前像防狼一般防着自己的雅雅,墨白很平静的说道。雅雅:“就算我现在还是孩 子,可我还是会长大的啊!”墨白:“”本书关键词:其他类型爽文同人穿越《我是涂山雅雅的守护灵》小说推荐:终于嫁给岑先生、凤回巢、我家王妃会占卜、防弹BTSREsuming、朕的爪子一定要在上面gl快穿、嫡女重生:皇后很嚣张、1980开始做大亨、我,洪荒人道,开局阻止老子立教!、重生七五成长计划、主攻文一对一、跟大佬离婚后穿书、战锤巫师、神官的晋升之路gl、逆天双宝:神医娘亲美又飒、前方高能、绞刑师、金榜题名(科举)、我为你翻山越岭、我可以包养你吗?、晚辞、独有情钟【ABO】、妈咪又又又又跑啦、大隋之大暴君杨广、厉少余生请多关照、重生七零带萌娃、刺青、自从仙尊盯上我后、娱乐超级奶爸、次元幻想群、金主上位记1w0-99777 >>


内容简介:整个丰城都在看叶栗的笑话,看着她从名媛变成贫民,但所有人都没想到,叶栗转身一变成了名副其实的陆太太。整个丰城都知道陆柏庭恨叶家,但没人知道,叶栗却让陆柏庭爱了一辈子。各位书友要是觉得《 傲寒不知春》还不错的话请不要忘记向您QQ群和微博里的朋友推荐哦!1w18823-25151 >>

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