Love Trial Read Online


Rival Ni Ki Wo Tsukero

1-2) Ren is in love with his younger cousin Sakae and has been for quite some time. On the day he plans on confessing he witnesses Kunimi, Sakae's classmate, confessing to Sakae. Upset that Kunimi stole Ren's perfect moment to confess he decides to find out who the guy is and hopefully what Sakae's answer was. When Sakae leaves the two together Kunimi tells Ren he knows Ren loves Sakae and that he will never hand Sakae over to Ren. The battle to win Sakae over is ON! 3) Mei and Shouta are childhood friends. Mei is very clumsy and a little clueless so when he wants to move out of his parent's house and live alone, Shouta moves in with him. One day Mei comes home early and sees Shouta touching himself... while calling Mei's name! Everything changes after that... 4) Toshikazu is very possessive over his lover, Hibiki. Hibiki starts to feel smothered but what will happen when he finally wins some freedom? Side story: Ren and Kunimi from Beware of the Rival are back for a short side story. Ren is always complaining about being the bottom but when he finally gets a chance to top Kunimi, things don't go as planned...

The Jackals

Follow the adventures of our sexy redhead zombie-hunting badass heroine!

Ou-Sama Wa Shitsuji-Sama

From Chibi Manga: The patissière Fuji Tamago started a part-time job and the staff in the kitchen of that cafe are only handsome boys! She can talk with a lot of boys! but she's not good for that...what should she do...?!! Finally there's the ace of the butlers, Koyomi, that start joking with her. He suddenly became so kind....and her heart start beating for him...!!

Love Trial

A series of oneshots. Contents: • AV Boys- College student Kouta needs to make money fast! His family borrowed alot of money and ran off, leaving him with the debt. When his senpai Sonomura gets him a job as a gay AV actor, Kouta decides to only work until his debts are paid. But the money is really good, and working with Sonomura is getting more and more comfortable... • My Love Castle- Masaomi's father has gone on vacation with his lover and left Masaomi to manage his love hotel, something he has no experience at. With handsome manager Tsushima helping out with his 'hands on' approach, things will be fine. Right? • I Love You More Than I Can Imagine!!- Keizou's family owns a liquor store and one day during a delivery he picks up a beautiful young student. Keizou's never been interested in guys before, but something about the high school boy sparks his imagination and now he can't get him out of his head! Will Keizou get a chance to make his dreams a reality? • The One Who Loves You Deeply- Sex shop owner Miyatsuki knows there's something familiar about the beautiful young man who comes looking for a job. But the harder he tries to place Jyunta, the more it slips away from him, and each day is one closer to Jyunta taking on customers, an idea which bothers Miyatsuki alot. • Me and My Beloved Sensei - Nagaoka has his dream job, being an assistant to his favorite mangaka, Chigaya Senri. But Chigaya seems to be a bit of a recluse and unusual - incorporating running and weight lifting into the daily lessons. But who is really doing the teaching? And why does a mangaka own a black bondage suit? • The Courage I Get From Loving You?- Isawa thought visiting the hot spring would be boring, but beautiful (underage) part-time worker Shitsuki catches his eye, and Isawa finds himself unable to resist the lure of the innocent student. • Love Trial-Kousuke has spent three years in an unrequited love for his friend Sonokawa Yukihi. Without the courage to confess, Kousuke is afraid that they'll graduate without Yukihi ever knowing his feelings. But a class trip stay with aggressive upperclassmen, revealing clothing, and huddling in small spaces may make it impossible for Kousuke to keep his cool! • Love Trial - After That- A beautiful sunny day brings out the beast in Kousuke.

A Yankee in the Trenches

A Yankee in the Trenches summary: A Yankee in the Trenches summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of A Yankee in the Trenches. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Waiting For The Train

Waiting For The Train summary: Why is that, every time I would try to say my feelings, the train would always stop me? I thought to myself, would I really let the train stop my feelings? That’s why inhaling deeply, with my hands at each side of my mouth, I shouted, “I LIKE YOU!” But as I shouted, the door had already closed and the train had already gone off. No matter how strong your heartbeat is and even if he’s near, if a train pa.s.sed by, he won’t hear it. Train Guy: “Hi!” Train Girl: “h.e.l.lo!”

Democritus Platonissans

Democritus Platonissans summary: Democritus Platonissans summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Democritus Platonissans. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

Windsor Castle

Windsor Castle summary: Windsor Castle summary is updating. Come visit sometime to read the latest chapter of Windsor Castle. If you have any question about this novel, Please don't hesitate to contact us or translate team. Hope you enjoy it.

























窈窕君子 女将好逑







内容简介:【原书名《我在娱乐圈里咸鱼躺》】文案:乔奚奚在娱乐圈里当了许多年的受气包小透明才发现,原来她是一本娱乐圈爽文里的炮灰女配。她绑定了一个来督促她走剧情的系统,系统就是个精准的扣分机器,每 当乔奚奚想要奋起努力时,它就开始让她疯狂掉属性值。检测到她认真学习,它就扣除她的智力值检测到她彻夜训练,它就扣除她的身材窈窕度检测到她努力争取镜头,它就扣除她的气运久而久之。乔奚奚:麻了。觉醒剧情后,乔奚奚带着一双看透一切的眼睛,觉得自己这炮灰垫脚石的人生实在是太没意思了。她不要再奋斗了。剧情爱咋地咋地,她乔奚奚坚决不跳进周围人内卷的大潮流中。既然翻不了身,那她索性顺势咸鱼躺平,佛系得彻底。可就在乔奚奚失去梦想变成咸鱼后,剧情线就控制不住她了。她的系统也跟着动了……她半夜偷吃零食,身材却更苗条了她在镜头前不争不抢,任别人占据C位,热搜却给她安排上了她不想在综艺里面表现自己,只想早点完成任务收工回家,全综艺的人却都被她给带飞了只想做咸鱼不想努力的乔奚奚,火了。曾经觉得乔奚奚一点存在感都没有的网友们:她怎么什么都会!这是什么宝藏女孩!为什么我们现在才发现她的存在!乔奚奚:这个世界……太叛逆。食用指南:1晚上更新,其他时间更新提示为捉虫2娱乐圈沙雕爽文,部分章节弹幕多预收文文案《听说你有两幅面孔?》,戳专栏可见,求收藏文案:江荞是个孤儿,从小在山村长大。十八岁时才知道,她不姓江而姓阮,是被抱错的豪门真千金,亲生父母说要接她回家。可在要接她回去当天,他们抵不住假千金的苦苦哀求,对假千金心软,怕小门小户出来的江荞给他们丢脸,临时改变了主意,将她拒之门外。假千金等在门后,等着江荞求她给她开门,江荞却只是目光凉凉往里看了一眼,头也不回地转身走了。从小到大没出现过的父母,她也不是很想见。她回到H市勤工俭学,隔壁是个比她还要清贫的男人,生了张能去做明星的脸,过得却像乞丐一样落魄。男人长得十分好看,似乎还有些眼熟,但江荞想不起来他是谁,只觉得把能拉高人类颜值平均水平的他白白饿死了可惜,时常接济一下他。阮家人没来找过江荞,一直在等江荞日子过不下去,主动来联系他们,可等着等着,没等到江荞回头过一次。他们忍不住到江荞的住处来看一眼,却意外看见那个手段雷霆不近人情的现任孟家掌家人——孟二孟云敛出现在这。他们想尽了办法都攀不上的人,正因为弄坏了江荞的餐具,追在他们看不上眼的小女儿江荞身后连连赔罪。身材高大的男人,举着个被掰断的勺子,追在江荞身后低头认错,像一只因做错事而撒娇讨饶的大狗。阮家人:……阮家人:那一刻,我们都以为是认错了人。好家伙,没想到他居然有两幅面孔孟云敛:那一刻,我的马甲岌岌可危 >>


内容简介:小兵提供威猛狂暴龙大神最新作品《当魔王穿成了小可怜西游》小说最新章节全文免费阅读,当魔王穿成了小可怜西游小说txt下载,当魔王穿成了小可怜西游小说笔趣阁,当魔王穿成了小可怜西游无弹窗! 本站最新最快更新当魔王穿成了小可怜西游小说最新章节。1w0-102669 >>


内容简介:  【前世的沈晞一心渴望得到亲情,却被假千金鸠占鹊巢,害她断了双腿,坏了双手,容貌尽毁,身患绝症,饮恨而终。  重生回来的沈晞,一纸合约买断亲情,与苏家断绝关系,所有人都等着看她笑话。   不久之后。  假千金:云七编剧的新剧,我一定要当女主!  豪门母亲:把这个叫采尼的设计师给我挖过来,做我的首席造型师!  豪门大哥:找到这个L,不管用什么办法,都要让她为我所用!  豪门二哥:三顾茅庐,一定要夕夕老师答应为我写歌!  豪门三哥:这个综艺我非去不可,找他们的制作人!  沈晞笑:实不相瞒,以上都是我,求而不得的感觉很棒吧!  **  所有人都以为沈晞是个被豪门抛弃的小可怜,直到有一天,华夏第一豪门傅家历经千辛万苦,终于认回了他们走失的亲妹妹。  国际巨星@云七:这是我妹。  医届巨擎@采尼:妹妹,亲的!  全球顶级制作人@夕夕:这是家妹,多多指教。  沈晞泪流满面,活了两辈子,才找到真正的家人,你们这么牛逼,上辈子干嘛去了?  世界首富@沈晞:正式介绍一下,这是……  吃瓜群众震惊体:这是你妹!  世界首富:滚,这是我老婆!】1w0-1890 >>


内容简介:  楚俞,一个资深二次元爱好者,一个他人眼中的死宅,一个读者眼中的坑爹漫画作者!那一天,他获得了承载着平行世界地球上众多优秀漫画作品的系统..... 开始了他自认传奇,实则坑爹的漫画家 人生!读者甲,“老师,拜托了,请先把全职猎人画完再开新坑可以吗?这断更都三年了,三年之后又三年,都开坑十年了,你是想让我儿子把全职猎人完结篇烧给我吗?”读者乙,“楚俞老贼,你懂个屁的cl,再不把古河渚复活明天我就寄刀片给你!”读者丙,“呵呵,湘北倒在了全国八强就完结了?楚俞老坑比,你一句“青春的梦想是不完美的”就想混过去吗?我发誓,今后你的作品我就是死,死外边,从我家楼上跳下去也不会再看一眼!”......1w0-1592 >>


内容简介:  这里是属于斗气的世界,没有花俏艳丽的魔法,有的,仅仅是繁衍到巅峰的斗气!  新书等级制度:斗者,斗师,大斗师,斗灵,斗王,斗皇,斗宗,斗尊,斗圣,斗帝。  ……  吴磊、林允主演的 同名电视剧9月3日起周一到周三每晚22:00登陆湖南卫视,腾讯视频全网独播。  1w0-717 >>



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