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    From Sidekick to Bigshot

    • Author:Er Fengchong 
    • Renew:Chapter 1465-END
    • Category:webnovels
    • Update:01.22
    • Tags:Josei Romance 
    • Intro: From Sidekick to Bigshot summary: Previously, Jian Yiling was the supporting character who was destined to be cannon fodder. However now, with the m

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    From Sidekick to Bigshot summary: Previously, Jian Yiling was the supporting character who was destined to be cannon fodder. However now, with the memories of future events, Jian Yiling who had crossed into the novel transformed into a hidden big shot. Not only is Jian Yiling not interested in the male protagonist, but she also leaves the people around her in astonishment and bewilderment. Originally, her brothers hated her. Now, they were all fiercely protective of her. “Yiling gets frightened easily. Don’t scare her.” “Yiling hasn’t been to distant places. Don’t scam her.” “Yiling has a weak body. Don’t bully her.” Everyone else wanted to cry in disbelief. Are you sure that she is cute and easily bullied? Who dares to bully her! When they all thought that the Jian brothers were enough to deal with, there was another one that topped the rest. Master Sheng: “Yiling is very delicate. She shouldn’t be angered. If you make her angry, I’ll cut you up and make you into a broth!” Everyone else: “Master Sheng, I think there’s something wrong with your eyes! I recommend you to go to the ophthalmologist!”

    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The setting is OK, the plot is bad, and the viewers are going to die
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      OK, it's over, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I can't understand it. Is Baili crazy a true friend? Or another plot, both guesses are unsatisfactory
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Man 2 and woman 2 can't be a couple suit?
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The male Lord is sure to resurrect. Look forward to the following plot
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      He meow, this cartoon is so beautiful that no one \ (/ / /) \
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      My brother-in-law is so handsome
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      This should not be a villain
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Er, the two brothers of the emperor like the two brothers of the Xie family. Is that ok? However, the country is dying
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      "No matter how fast the thunder and lightning is, can it pass the light quickly?" do you think you are a concave convex man
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The short one is just like mine, outrageous
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Congratulations on the end
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      This is my favorite novel all the time. There is no one
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      In fact, I wish my sister should be fine, because the follow-up still needs to be done, and the author won't let her go easily
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Unexpectedly, it was Fang Yuan's hide and seek cat chasing the white tiger. I thought it was the white tiger chasing Fang Yuan that led Fang Yuan to run
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      How can I thank you? Let's start by rolling the sheets ̀ω•́ 」 ∠)_
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I've been waiting for the update. After half a year, I found that it's over. My feelings are lonely
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Come to sacrifice. It seems that you can't even stop the seven grades. Ha ha ha ha
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      It's over. I can't understand the back
      From Sidekick to Bigshot
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Come on, better and better
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The original hostess has become a passer-by?
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I'm full of dog food. It's too sour
      From Sidekick to Bigshot manga
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      AB, that scum man and his mother are really engaged in all kinds of things. The female owner must not let her succeed. The female owner and the male owner are so warm, and the male owner actually cares about that brother ~
      From Sidekick to Bigshot
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      *One, two, two, Paradise Island one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, two, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one, one
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Why not lift the veil? Ah Chou's face just has more marks
      From Sidekick to Bigshot manga
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Like this wicked teacher, no nonsense
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      What the hostess thinks in her dream must be a beautiful man
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Three thousand gold pills? Sister next door?
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I understand, lily is not no good
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      From their own thoughts to solve, this is not better
      From Sidekick to Bigshot manga
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Look at your dishes, get a seven day free card for free. Doesn't he smell good? Also rush members
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Who spoiled, how to save her
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Does anyone see this lady as a man like me?

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