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    Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!

    • Author:直上青云 
    • Renew:Chapter 3556: Courting Death
    • Category:webnovels
    • Update:07.27
    • Intro: Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around! summary: The newly rebirthed Ye Jian doesn’t need love! What she wants is to stand high up above ot

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    Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around! summary: The newly rebirthed Ye Jian doesn’t need love! What she wants is to stand high up above other people and to look down on them in disdain! To those who have bullied me; who have disgraced me: I will return all your favors one by one. Ever since her rebirth, she used her reputation to eat, yet she became an extraordinary military soldier. He was born into wealth and could obviously use his family to eat, yet he had to use his own skills to become the youngest general. He took a fancy to her; she tried to avoid him. “You need to have a taste of romance.” He said. “Leave! What I need are bullets!” she angrily replied. The strong and strong fight; the strong and strong compete. This is the story of a strong military couple.

    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Why am I so unlucky? It's so sad to see the key points
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      In other words, I just noticed that the cartoon cover is actually a picture of their sexual transformation. I think straight men are lilies in other people's eyes, but they are fags... Hey, hey
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Isn't this a fair and aboveboard way to eat soft food
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      This is still good, better than next door now
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Not looking at the barrage is a lifetime cure.
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      This wave is called, the next word is always the best
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I've known him for a year and secretly loved him for a year. Suddenly I found that he seemed to like me too. I was very happy and at a loss
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      It's really good. It's just that the update can be faster. Come on
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      It's February 22, 2021
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Because a man distracted his energy when the old turtle crossed the robbery.
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Try to make the picture more exquisite. Line manuscript day65
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      There's no need to flash. We come here just to see this. So when we're alone, don't worry about withdrawing. Let's see for ourselves and our families. What are we afraid of.
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Ah Dai is so beautiful \ (/ / ∇ /) \
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Finally, I can grab the sofa. I couldn't grab it before
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Is Zuyu a woman? I think he has an Adam's apple
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The notice was originally every other week
      Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around! latest chapter
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Su Yu: elder martial sister, your "line" will be deeper in the future
      Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around!
      Reborn at Boot Camp: General, Don’t Mess Around! manga
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I finally know why the author painted the female owner's sister so well
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Look again, no one commented
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Then Linglong doesn't seem to think about him anymore// Play: after watching the finale, his netizen ex husband is one of the nine reincarnations. He has died, as if.

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