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    Strike Witches

    • Author:Yamaguchi Noboru 
    • Renew:Vol 3 Chapter 2
    • Category:webnovels
    • Update:08.15
    • Intro: Strike Witches summary: In 1939, as the European mainland faced the crisis of a Neuroi invasion of unprecedented scale, Imperial Army and Navy Witch

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    Strike Witches summary: In 1939, as the European mainland faced the crisis of a Neuroi invasion of unprecedented scale, Imperial Army and Navy Witches from the far off Fuso Empire were sent to the battlefield as volunteer soldiers. One such Imperial Army Witch, Anabuki Tomoko, an ace and hero to the people after her outstanding service during the Neuroi raid known as the “Fuso Sea Incident”, had been expecting to be sent to Karlsland, where the heaviest fighting was going on. However, she was instead deployed to the northernmost extreme of Europe, Suomus. There she meets the rest of her future fellow squadron members, none of whom had ever made a name for themselves in their former countries, instead being treated nearly like outcasts, half-baked witches without any talent or motivation. It’s now up to the “Misfits Squadron”, or officially the “Suomus Independent Volunteer Air Squadron”, to find out how they can stand up to the Neuroi menace. -taken from Baka-tsuki

    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Inexplicably, tears flowed down. Er, which great God explained it to me
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The painting style is super
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Come back and start again after only one day's class?
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Don't you think you won't bother me
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      If you don't do it, your little lover will be gone
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      My brother will certainly grow taller in the future
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      What's wrong with the charges? They're all marked as out of date. You can't read them ´ >` TX has white whoring every day. Isn't it enough for you to read
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      This version of the radio play doesn't feel very good
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Outrageous, such a big one is not an ordinary terrorist level
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I don't know where it comes from. How deep is it? Deep as a cloud. "
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      It's really great, madam
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The girl's speed scared me
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Hidden world village, human column suppresses the yellow spring, which is a bit like horror game zero
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      This is a fake permanent ticket. Really permanent is to buy it once and watch it for a lifetime
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Using the permanent volume to make the shortest cartoon, you are really awesome. Just ask for a face
      Strike Witches manga
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I'm talking about the hot comments. Please give me more advice
      Strike Witches
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Hostess: aren't you afraid of pregnancy? Twice, twice
      Strike Witches
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Yes, the author listened to my suggestions. The previous chapter just commented and didn't change his hair style. This chapter changed it immediately. I'm a little like it 👍
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      It is awesome that Jane is a little son. I'm going to die of anger. 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬 What shit love
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Author, look at these two meter long bangs. Can you cut them
      Strike Witches
      Strike Witches manga
      Strike Witches latest chapter
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I think the painting of Da Changjin has the flavor of the book. It's a straightforward and beautiful woman. Don't bring the impression of Da Changjin in the TV series into the cartoon
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Why can anyone enter the interrogation room of the police station? President Shen's identity is not simple
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Is this cartoon the case solving story of Qin Jiuye in the nether craftsmen
      Strike Witches latest chapter
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I like the heroine for the first time. In fact, Ding Dian and the woman are the men and women. The Lord likes them both
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Although the days are very daily, the taste of dog food is everywhere. It's very sweet. I'm full. I'm full. At the last word, there's an early warning. What if something disturbing happens
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The hostess's father loves her, isn't she her mother?
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The whole cartoon has the same face. It's just that the clothes and hair are different. Everyone has the same face
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The herbal medicine is so precious that it is worth 8000 gold coins. The hostess also agreed. I feel a little lost
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The number of likes is less than 10000, brothers
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ It's hard for you to update quickly. The author pays great attention to his body
      Strike Witches
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      It's the familiar rabbit Apple again 🍎
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      How do I feel that the man is using the woman?
      Strike Witches
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Yes, but it's too short. I hope to update it again
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Xu Xiyuan... The one who was punished by heaven... Is it really you? If it's really you... That's great... Another layer of confidence to kill you
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I haven't seen it for a long time and forgot whether this is the little daughter of godmother and Feng's sister
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Is xiaoshousang's gay bar the gay I think? (no malice, just curious)

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