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    Live Action Murder Mystery

    • Author:木尺素 
    • Renew:Chapter 107.2
    • Category:webnovels
    • Update:08.15
    • Intro: Live Action Murder Mystery summary: 《Live Action Murder Mystery》Case File:A live script acting, deductive reasoning game.Poor performances result i

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    Live Action Murder Mystery summary: 《Live Action Murder Mystery》Case File:A live script acting, deductive reasoning game.Poor performances result in death.–If you draw the Deceased Card, please follow the script accordingly and die;If you draw the Murderer Card, you might be the real murderer, please ensure that you conceal your ident.i.ty;Detective, please try your best to guide the players and find the real murderer, or else you will be met with the death penalty.–Have you drawn the Murderer Card this day?——–【System Reminder 】———Please obey the character design set by the script during enactment, by no means OOC;Inferences should be made with the script settings as the norm, by no means diverge your thoughts;The system has the final right to interpretation, have a happy game!—————-Gong + Shou: “A pair of As.”System: “Can’t afford it.”

    • visitor 2024-07-27
      It's March 7th, 2021. Hurry up
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Isn't his name Chen zhaochen? How can he say that he has become Zhao Chen with an exclamation mark
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Don't go any further
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      No - no, many comics charge recently
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Uh... This... Is only I understand it
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      But take a good look, why so few comments
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Come on, hold your heads and kiss me ω<* ฅ)
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Having never played peace means you don't know at all.
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Please make the figure painting look better
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I hope there is a second film about sister Cai's arrest and the wedding of my brother and president Yu
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I haven't seen it for a long time. The painting style has changed a lot
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      You started to collect advertising fees after sending more than 10 chapters. You started advertising before the plot was fully brought in. How dare you?
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I like brocade clothes very much. Don't tear them down. It's a bad time for dogs to come
      Live Action Murder Mystery
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Woman, you succeeded in attracting my attention, man, you succeeded in attracting my attention, ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The old man is scared to death by you
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Every time this kind of time, someone will always disturb you
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      After reading it, I feel very short and very slow
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      The strength of pig's feet will be good and bad for a while. It's like a roller coaster.
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Well, that's the original plot. I'm sorry, I can't make it, a
      Live Action Murder Mystery latest chapter
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Here is your monthly ticket
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      I have read all this in one day. Come on, I hope there will be follow-up
    • visitor 2024-07-27
      Mom won't let me fall in love.
      Live Action Murder Mystery

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