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    Lightning Is The Only Way

    • Author:Warmaisach 
    • Renew:Chapter 1329 Epilogue
    • Category:webnovels
    • Update:08.15
    • Tags:Action Adventure Fantasy 
    • Intro: Lightning Is The Only Way summary: With a father as strong as the highest heavens themselves, Gravis wasn't required to step into the cold and ruthl

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    Lightning Is The Only Way summary: With a father as strong as the highest heavens themselves, Gravis wasn't required to step into the cold and ruthless world of cultivation.But when Heaven used him in a scheme to get back at his father, Gravis realized that he needed strength to gain true freedom.As long as he remained his weak self, he would always remain beneath Heaven’s oppression. Only true power brings true freedom.To gain strength, Gravis ventured into the lower worlds to start his cultivation under true life and death tempering.Only a strong will, which had been forged in striving for every resource available, would allow him to reach the peak.Heaven’s strongest weapon was Lightning of Divine Punishment, and only if he made this weapon his, would he have a chance.So, to overthrow Heaven,Lightning Is the Only Way!Yet, the path to power is painful.Not everyone reaches the peak.But Gravis will!No matter how much pain he feels along the way!

    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Got my blue eyes??? Don't you like it.
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      What about the second? Spoiler alert
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      A man who works to pay his debts 🤣
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Photographer: I have a pair of eyes. I can't escape anything. I'm good at finding charming eyes. Junhao: I'm afraid of you. Please let go. I want to inherit my family
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      I'll come back in 2021 and review it again. I'll come back in a few years. It's still so beautiful (* ´▽ '' *)
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      The final outcome is really warm, blood comics can warm tears in your eyes
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Good guy, I'm disappointed that there's no female host in the whole episode
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Even the wallpaper is female, which means that the male also loves the female
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Hey, when you update the new episode, I've finished watching it
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Congratulations to the hostess for another victory (PS: clip and salted fish feel like watching children fight)..
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      I really can't think of a particularly tall word. It can only be two words
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Doesn't anyone find it strange? How does the driver know that the man is the deserter?
      Lightning Is The Only Way manga
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      I really want to kill the hostess and her uncle.
      Lightning Is The Only Way
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Next, is Xu Qiu going to be mad? He's going crazy
      Lightning Is The Only Way
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      It looks so good that I'm dying. How can I look so good? I can't see enough
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      See here in one breath
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      I started from junior high school and saw the University. What ended was more than comics
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Can you update it faster?
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Send the pictures, delete the pictures in the album, and then look here directly. How clever of me
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Respect the author, respect the plot, but the three outlooks are not correct (you don't have to comment on what you like. You like radishes and I like green vegetables, but they have different tastes)
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      This sentence is absolutely true. No matter the brain hole or the picture design, it can blow up.
      Lightning Is The Only Way
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      How can I just hit Lillian? Of course it was with her mother
      Lightning Is The Only Way latest chapter
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Author, come back quickly (; ´༎ຶ) Д ༎ຶ`) this cartoon is really good-looking. I like it
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      The male master unlocks three elder martial sisters and warms their beds every night
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      I know. The teacher's ability to awaken is the holy light. How else could there be so much light?
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      It's a good plot. It's easy to read. I like it very much
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Yes, this cartoon is perfect.
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      This mother and daughter are paranoid. It's amazing
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Heaven crusades against his own people one by one, but he can't do anything about it. No wonder yellow hair is full of gods
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      There are fewer and fewer people watching. I hope they won't be cut off halfway. Many have stopped changing recently. I hope the author won't give up
      Lightning Is The Only Way
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Miss who can drink is very charming
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Good looking is good-looking, but it costs a little money
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      😁 What a big heart 😉
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      Is this a help or a knock
    • visitor 2024-04-25
      I want to beat him if I can change a better one next time.

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